His Irresistible Darling - Sarah Randall Page 0,30

much to drink and Jumal’s offered to take me home. Would you say my thank yous and goodbyes to everyone for me?” She hugged Melina tightly.

“Sure thing. I’ll give you a call tomorrow.”

“Birthday girl going home so soon?” Jake now asked, approaching and taking a swig on his beer. “Shots too much for you to handle, Pip?”

“It would appear so,” she grumbled as she dropped her head into her hands for support, unable to keep it up any longer.

She felt Jumal’s undeniable presence again in front of her before he lowered himself on his haunches to her eye level. “Here you go,” he said gruffly, holding out his hand and helping her stand before handing her a jacket she’d seen Malik wearing earlier and taking the half empty water bottle from her hand. “I’ve told James that I am taking you home and that he should say here with Melina. I told him you wouldn’t want him to leave early and I’d look after you.”

“Thank you.” She attempted a grateful smile at him whilst putting the jacket on. “From Bond girl to American President all in one evening… What a night.” What nonsense was she spouting now? She should really learn to just keep her mouth shut.

“Do you need any help with her?” she heard Jake ask Jumal.

She couldn’t catch his gruff reply but the tone of his voice told her he was unimpressed with the offer.

Good grief! How embarrassing. On the plus side at least she might not remember it tomorrow…

Pip came awake slowly, blinking against the bright sunshine pouring into her bedroom. She turned to her bedside table and quickly realised her huge mistake in moving her head. Her brain seemed to wallow around from side to side before finally catching up with the movement of her head. She closed her eyes and moaned into the soft pillow. Eventually she managed to work up to trying to open her eyes again but didn’t make the mistake of moving her head this time.

Twelve o’clock? Yikes, she’d slept till twelve o’clock…

She spied her glasses folded neatly on a note next to the clock and, wincing against the pain in her head, carefully moved her hands to pick it up.

Drink the water and take the tablets. Don’t go out. Ring me.


Typical Jumal. Do this; don’t do that. Yes, sir. But for once she was in total agreement with his orders. Well, apart from the calling him part; she had no intention of doing that. She didn’t need to have him lecture her for drinking too much. Wait—why the hell had Jumal left her a note anyway? Had he brought her home? She turned onto her back gently and put her hand to her head, distressed at not being able to remember much of her birthday party. Had she even said goodbye and thank you to everyone? Oh the shame. She took the tablets and water he’d left as ordered and curled back up in bed, only then realising that she was still wearing her bikini.

“Why didn’t you call me?”

“Hello Pippa, how are you? Glad you’re a little better. Oh thanks for inviting me in but no, I won’t stay,” She mimicked his voice but quickly winced at his icy stare. Perhaps she should go easy on him after all. It appeared that he had gotten her home safely and at least she hadn’t thrown up on him. Had she? She drew in a sharp breath as her hand covered her mouth.

“What?” Jumal asked, reaching for her arm, concerned.

“Oh God, I didn’t throw up on you did I?” she asked urgently, holding open her front door begrudgingly when all she wanted to do was crawl back into her bed and feel sorry for herself.

“No,” he replied, breezing past her into her lounge like he was perfectly at home. “You passed out in the car and stayed that way. It was…” She watched his back closely while he paused as if looking for the right word before he turned back towards her, smiled boyishly and said, “…peaceful.”

“Great. Thanks,” she mumbled, closing the door. He’d carried her in his arms…and she’d missed it?!

“So, I ask again, why didn’t you call me? I specifically told you to call me.”

“Well, I just got up and I didn’t feel like having you lecture me like my father over my drunken antics. I’m already embarrassed beyond belief.”

She saw him recoil like she’d hit him. He closed his eyes and his body seemed to shudder before he turned away

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