His Irresistible Darling - Sarah Randall Page 0,13

he did. Ever.

“Well each to their own I suppose.” She let out a quick sigh. “How long have we been in here now?” she asked, tapping her fingers on the floor. “God I’m glad I went to the loo shortly before we left.”

He glanced down at his watch. “Just over an hour. I’m sure it won’t be much longer.”

She reached into her lunch box and took out her uneaten apple and her bottle of water.

She looked up and met his eyes and raised an eyebrow. “Now aren’t you glad I was a Girl Guide: always prepared as the saying goes.”

She smiled and took a bite before offering it to him. “Go ahead,” she encouraged.

“No thank you. You eat it. I won’t take it from you,” he said, but his stomach growled in eager response.

“Well your traitorous tummy says you want some, so we’ll share. It could be a while before we get out of here and I promise I don’t carry any nasty germs. I’ve had all my shots. Just one of the perks of having a brother who owns a horse stud farm and a friend who’s a vet.”

He nodded in concession and took hold of the apple and bit into it.

Pip was mesmerised as he licked his lips to catch the juice before handing it back to her. She mentally shook herself and took hold of the apple. They finished it off in quick time, passing it back and forth before sharing the water. When the hell did sharing an apple ever become a sensual activity?

He raised a brow in interest. “Have you got anything else in that magic box of yours? Perhaps a bottle of champagne and some caviar?” he asked playfully, nodding towards her bag.

“M&M’s and some Smarties.”

“Bring ‘em on out then,” he said motioning with his hand. “May as well work our way through them and into a diabetic coma. You have a sweet tooth, Miss Darling.”

“One that you should be eternally grateful for—” she held the sweets back in her hand dramatically “—and I am only sharing if I get all the orange Smarties.”

“What’s the difference? They all taste the same, don’t they?” he asked, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly.

“They do not,” she admonished, shaking her head in outrage.

She proceeded to divide out the sweets between them. “Open wide,” she told him and popped an orange Smartie in as he quickly complied. She blushed as her fingers accidentally touched his lips.

She watched him closely as he mulled over the taste like a sommelier in the posh restaurants he no doubt frequented. “So they do,” he admitted quietly a few seconds later.

“So maybe next time you’ll believe me when I tell you something,” she said, inclining her head, “and stop treating me like a clueless adolescent.”

“Maybe I will, Miss Darling.”

“God it’s getting hot in here,” Pip complained as she stood up to strip off her cardigan and threw it down next to the jacket and shoes she’d stripped off long ago. “They said they’d have us out of here shortly and that was over two hours ago.” She suddenly dropped down on her haunches and grabbed at his arm. “Do you think there’s something wrong that they aren’t telling us?” she asked anxiously. “Like in that film.”

“No.” Jumal had closed eyes and was concentrating hard on not looking at her body and pondering just how many clothes she planned to strip off. She was now only sporting a tight pencil skirt, which in no way outlined the perfect shape of her backside, and a vest top with tiny straps. And her perfume was once again driving him wild in such close confinement. What the hell was it? He started to feel sorry for those idiotic dogs in the neighbourhood who ran around desperately with their tongues hanging out when a lady dog was in season!

He jerked his eyes open when Pip began to pace and sing a song again.

“Please Allah, no more singing, Pippa. I beg you.”

She feigned offence and gasped. “I’m bored and hot and did I mention—I’m bored!?” she shouted, frustrated. “How can you be so calm?” she threw at him, plonking herself back on the floor, directly opposite him, their legs lying next to each other.

“Yes,” he said calmly. “I do believe you may have mentioned that you are bored once or twice.” He watched her through narrowed eyes as she fidgeted, strummed her fingers on the floor either side of her hips and puffed out a breath, blowing her fringe off her

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