His Irresistible Darling - Sarah Randall Page 0,108

few sips whilst waiting for it to catch a signal. After travelling for about forty minutes or so she guessed they were almost there. A few miles back Matt had appeared anxious and rubbed at his temples and back of his neck, but they’d driven on mostly in silence until she interjected with questions about the village and local area, just to annoy him and to see how many one word responses she could elicit. Seven.

Her phone suddenly burst to life showing she had missed several calls and text messages, mainly from Alix and Amanda. Her phone had only been turned off for a couple of hours.

She peered over at Matt’s profile. “You mind if I make some calls?”

She decided to interpret his dismissive shrug of his shoulders as code for “Go ahead.”

Chapter Two

“So, do I assume from your conversation that you won’t be joined by your friends?” Matt looked over at her, massaging the back of his neck again with his right hand. “And I make no apology for listening,” he added with a smirk.

“No. I didn’t think you would,” she replied, shaking her head and rolling the phone in her hand. “There’s still no flights leaving, at least not until the weather clears and the backlog eases up at Heathrow. Apparently the snow fall is a lot heavier in the South. It’s pandemonium at the airport with everyone desperate to get home for Christmas. Alix said that they’ll try again in a couple of days. Until then… erm, do you think you could drop me at a hotel in the village? A meagre five star one will do,” she teased playfully.

“What? No.” Matt turned his head to her suddenly. “I mean, er, there are no hotels. You’ll stay with us as planned. As per the contract.”

She caught the authority mixed with a hint of sarcasm in his voice and her hackles were once again up. He was clearly a man used to being in charge and used to people and animals doing what he told them. That was so not her, but in light of her current predicament perhaps she should just go with the flow… easy girl.

“You sure I won’t be an imposition? I mean, I wouldn’t want to attract any unwanted attention.”

“No. I won’t be in the house much. Besides, I doubt the residents of our little village would have a clue who you are Miss Harper.”


Matt reached into the pocket of his jeans and brought out a packet of headache tablets; attempting to remove the white pills from the foil one handed.

She let out a sharp breath at his stubbornness before reaching over to take them from his hand and press out a couple of the pills before handing them back to him together with the bottle of Perrier. “Here, they’ll be easier to swallow with water.”

Matt thanked her begrudgingly and she took another opportunity to watch him as he swallowed the pills with her water. Holy moly, just watching this throat was a sensual act. Crikey, she thought, how long had it been since she’d been with a man? She started to count the months off in her head and then decided that it wasn’t something she wanted to examine too closely.

Focus, Anastacia… and not on his throat action!

It was her turn to blush now as Matt caught her staring this time as he handed the bottle back to her. Maybe staying in a house with this man wasn’t such a brilliant idea…then again, he’d said he didn’t plan on being there much and that was probably a good thing. His grumpiness grated on her. What the hell did he have to be grumpy about?

Again, she reminded herself that she wasn’t interested.

Despite the thick snow now lying on the ground, she could see the natural raw beauty of the countryside. It had a wild, untamed quality about it and she could easily imagine why such scenery had been the inspiration for Miss Bronte and the like. It was a complete contrast to urban jungles she occupied in American and more latterly, London. She opened the window slightly to breath in the cold air and rid her melancholy thoughts at her lifestyle. Instead of questioning what her chauffeur had to be cranky about, maybe she should focus that question nearer to home.

Eventually they passed a sign indicating that they’d arrived in the village of Waddington, North York Moors; Gold award winners for Britain in Bloom 2012 and 2013. It had been a long time since

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