His Human (The New Neighbors #2) - M.A. Innes Page 0,26

people with what we call a twenty-four seven style of submission, but I think most couples don’t live the lifestyle like that.”

There was no point in pushing him to think that was common.

I might find myself agreeing to all kinds of crazy if he thought that was reasonable.

Maverick’s limbs started stroking over me again, and I could almost hear him thinking. As he caressed up the inside of my thighs, the larger limbs that were holding my legs widened them even more. It left me completely opened to the room, and even though there was no one else with us, it felt sexy and wicked.

Teasing just under my balls, he finally decided what he wanted to ask. “How do you see your version of submission, my little human?”

We’d touched on the topic already, but it’d felt like years since dinner. It would have been a lot easier to answer if the tip of his tentacles weren’t stroking less than an inch from where I really wanted his touch. “I…”

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and let the mounting pleasure wash over me. “I think I would like my Master to control a lot of things, but I need to be able to work and I don’t want to lose myself in my Master. For the most part we aren’t meant to give up everything, even if sometimes that’s what we want.”

From everything I’d heard, our version of complete submission would never compare to theirs. But George didn’t seem to need that to be happy with Cameron…

“What do you imagine, Master?” I stopped trying to control my responses and just let the submission start to fill me.

It didn’t matter if I got to come again or not.

It wasn’t up to me and I was going to stop guessing what he would do.

It was up to Master.

I didn’t have to make any decisions.

Maverick would love to make all of them.

Just reminding myself how much he wanted to control everything I’d give him had my body relaxing. It’d been so long since I had anyone like this in my life that it felt like I was constantly overthinking everything.

“I do not have any real-life examples of how a human relationship like this might work. My colleagues are all married or dating in a more traditional style, although many share my interest in submission-based relationships.” He paused for a moment, but it felt like he was thinking, so I just waited, trying not to imagine how the conversations with his coworkers about BDSM had gone.

When he continued, he seemed a bit confused. “I am not usually unprepared for answers.”

Kissing his chest, I wiggled just to get him to relax his hold, then leaned up and kissed him when he finally gave me a bit of room. “We don’t have to know what it should look like right now. There’s nothing wrong with figuring things out in our own time.”

Maverick’s tentacles stroked over my head and down my back. “I warned you earlier that I was not made for a casual relationship, my little human. I worry that I will…smother you, I think is the colloquial term.”

I smiled. “I like being smothered.”

In more ways than he probably understood.

“I’ll tell you if it gets to be too much. Like the bathroom.” I kissed his cheek. “I told you when I wanted privacy. I won’t make you guess if something frustrates me.”

I had a feeling this was going to be the most honest relationship I’d ever had.

“I will sometimes know by your body changes that something is wrong, but the knowledge of a problem does not give me the wisdom to understand what went wrong. Humans are sometimes unpredictable.” He was being polite, but I giggled.

“It seems to be the way we’re wired.” I kissed him again before snuggling against him. “I’m sorry.”

“We shall not apologize for the way our brains and emotions process information.” He stroked over my head as he delivered the slight rebuke. “We shall embrace and discuss our differences, my little human.”

Kissing his chest, I nodded. “Yes, Master.”

Fuck. I loved being able to call him that.

I had a Master.


The balance between our species would be interesting; however, I was confident I could keep him safe and provide for the needs of his body. He would be the best cared for human, and all others would admire the way I watched over him.

More research would be necessary to make sure I understood all his bodily requirements, but for now, providing for his

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