His Forbidden Love (Manhattan Billionaires #2) - Ava Ryan Page 0,70

savor every second of this moment.

“That’s the kind of birthday present I can get behind.”

“I mean it,” he says, pulling back and ducking his head just enough for his blue eyes to take up my entire field of vision. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you. Or give you. It’s my job now to take care of you and make sure you’re happy. That’s what makes me happy.”

Overwhelmed with joy as I am right now, the Oprah-trained feminist in me insists on making a brief appearance.

“I’m a grown woman,” I say, working hard to give him a stern look. “I’m responsible for myself.”

“Of course,” he says with equally fake gravity, one corner of his mouth twitching.

“That said, you just nailed my whole happiness thing. Well done.”

We laugh together, quickly followed by another round of urgent kissing that ends when he tightens his hands on either side of my head and breaks away.

“I’m not done. You’re moving in with me. Now. I don’t care when your lease is up. And I don’t know why I have to think of everything around here.”

“But are you sure you have room?” I deadpan.

“We’ll figure something out,” he says, all boyish delight.

“Thank God. I was afraid I’d be homeless soon. Or worse, living on Kelly’s sofa.”

“Nope. I own your nights now. Oh, and I bought you a Range Rover,” he says, snapping his fingers. “Almost forgot. They’ll deliver it in the morning.”

“A Range Rover?” I say, startled by the segue. “I wasn’t aware I was in the market for a car. And I can buy my own car if I need one.”

“Do you have any idea how much money I have now?” he says with a tinge of exasperation.

“Yeah, but—”

“But nothing. I don’t like you driving around in that old Camry. You need something sturdier.”

“Camrys are very safe,” I say, part of me ready to square up if he’s going to disparage my car while the other part of me wonders why the hell I’m arguing about such an amazing gift.

“Absolutely,” he says, his skilled hands working their way under the edge of my pajama top and massaging the small of my back. “And your beloved Camry has earned its retirement with our thanks for keeping you safe this whole time.”

“Anything else?” I ask warily, feeling my brows creep higher at the stunning pace of breaking events. I know I’m being handled, but I need to pick my fights right now. Especially when this new distraction is making my blood sizzle and therefore pushing the car situation to the bottom of my list of pressing issues.

“Yeah.” A silky note enters his voice as he eases closer, angles his mouth within kissing range and uses his thumbs to trace lazy circles low on my sides. “I really want to fuck you.”

We stare at each other, heat surging between us.

“That seems like a good idea,” I say, rising on my tiptoes to meet him.

Everything changes the second his mouth covers mine. These are no longer smiling and happy kisses of relief. These are incendiary kisses designed to leave nothing behind but a pile of ashes and maybe a spark or two. He grabs fistfuls of my hair on either side and uses them to tilt my head way back for complete access. He takes my mouth hard, fucking me with his tongue and demanding surrender. I give it eagerly, moaning for him. Sucking him deeper. Nipping and biting.

He works his way lower, nuzzling my neck and leaving no nerve ending behind in his quest to make them all tingle. His hands glide across my bare skin and sweep my top over my head and off in one smooth movement. The two of us work on my shorts and panties together, easing them past my hips and down so I can kick them the rest of the way off. Then he palms my ass and exerts enough pressure to tell me what he wants. I hop up into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He rubs his face against my jiggling breasts, breathing me in as we head for the sofa. His fingers never miss a trick and take advantage of my position to stroke the slick cleft between my thighs as I helplessly thrust against him.

I’m ready. I’m so ready.

I’m braced for him to lay me down on my back, but he has other plans, dropping into a seated position with me straddling him. I rise just enough to

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