His Forbidden Love (Manhattan Billionaires #2) - Ava Ryan Page 0,26

my ass,” I say. “I taught Harlow everything she knows.”

“Not everything, because I, unlike you, actually know how to be humble,” Ally says acidly.

We all laugh together. It feels good.

“I wasn’t going to say anything, because you seem like such a nice person,” Ally says, adopting a grave tone as she eases closer to Mia. “But you know he’s a monster, right? I’ve still got the PTSD to prove it. He wasn’t happy unless he made at least one intern cry every shift. Usually more.”

I can’t control a bark of laughter at this unlikely image. Ally? I’m positive that if they ran her down to the x-ray department and took a few scans, they’d discover that her spine is made of titanium.

“No one can make you cry, Harlow. Not for lack of trying,” I say darkly.

“See? What did I tell you?” Ally tells Mia. “A monster.”

We all laugh again.

“Sorry about that,” Mia says. “My parents and I did the best we could with him.”

“I’m sure you tried,” Ally says. “Don’t blame yourself.”

“But you’re subjecting yourself to his reign of terror again?” Mia asks. “You must be a glutton for punishment, Ally.”

“Or just dumber than the average bear,” Ally says.

Maybe my healthy ego is leading me astray, but I’m ready to swear on a stack of Bibles if necessary that I hear a trace of wistfulness in her voice. I also notice that she doesn’t look me or my sister in the eye when she says it.

“Godspeed,” Mia says with more enthusiasm than I think is strictly necessary. “Don’t let him run you ragged.”

“I won’t,” Ally says. But her smile seems strained and she’s still having difficulties with eye contact. She plows ahead anyway. “You should make your brother take you to lunch while you’re here. And not lunch in the café, either. There’s a great Greek place around the corner. Also a taco place.”

“Tacos. I like how you think, Ally. You should come with us.” Mia shoots a pointed glance in my direction. “I assume you allow her to have a lunch break, Michael?”

“Absolutely,” I say quickly, grateful for any kind of help I can get in my quest to make headway with Ally. If my sister wants to help, I’m happy to have her on board. “You should come, Harlow.”

Ally’s gaze connects with mine just long enough to give me a hint of her ambivalence and to generate another crackling field of electricity between us that makes the hair on my nape and arms stand at attention.

“Thanks, but I can’t,” she says with an unmistakable tinge of regret. “I’ve got a couple of patients I need to check on. Plus I need to— Oh, what a gorgeous diamond, Mia! Are you engaged?”

Mia immediately lapses into blushing bride mode, all smiles and glowing happiness as she extends her hand to give Ally a good look at the ring. “I am. My fiancé Liam went to school with me and Michael back at NYU. We recently reconnected after a bad breakup and spending all this time apart.”

“Oh, yeah?” Ally says, brimming with bright interest. “Sounds like there’s a story there. How much time apart?”

“Twelve years,” Mia says.

“Twelve years! And you just picked up right where you left off?”

“More or less.” Mia hesitates. “Don’t get me wrong, it was bumpy for a minute. And we had some growing up to do. But he was the right guy for me back then, and he’s still the right guy for me now. That didn’t change. It will never change. Part of me has always known that. And that’s probably way more than you needed to hear about a perfect stranger.”

“No, it’s fine,” Ally says. “That’s a great story. Best wishes to both of you.”

“What about you, Ally?” Mia asks, her nosiness trajectory headed straight for the top. “Married? Engaged?”

“Ah, no.” Ally pauses, then clears her throat and backs up a step, giving the sudden impression that she’d rather be anywhere on earth—including the rim of a rumbling volcano—than here having this conversation. “Boyfriend. Well. Don’t let me keep you from your lunch—”

“Nice,” Mia says. “Should we be listening for wedding bells for the two of you?”

I wait, my entire body attuned to any nuances of the response Ally’s about to give. Basically like a giant ear.

“Oh, no,” Ally says quickly. “It’s way too soon for anything like that.”

“I see,” Mia says with something that looks like grim satisfaction. Although I have no idea why. Not engaged could turn into engaged in the blink of

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