His Fire Maiden - Michelle M. Pillow Page 0,14

were staring at her, she squared her shoulders. “Make port with the secure codes so no one will know we’re here. They have to suspect we might show, and I don’t want them getting a heads up. I know the securities building she’s going to. We’ll catch up with them there. And remember. No one touches Josselyn. She’s mine.”

The crewmen nodded. Gil made a small sound of approval. Isaac grinned.

“Never trust anyone who travels with a Bevlon,” Gil warned. “Watch your back. They’re treacherous beasts.”

Violette didn’t answer.

Jo activated a com-link with the Docking Master and began the lengthy process of setting up a secure military code landing. Having Federation ties did have its perks.

“Take your revenge, but if we run into trouble, the Bevlon is mine.” Gil smiled. His wings lifted, and he hovered over the floor. Then, leaning back, he dove into the air, gliding through the smaller cockpit door. For such large wings, he really was an agile flyer.

“This is not your fault,” Isaac stated when Gil was gone.

Violette didn’t keep secrets from Isaac. They’d known each other for too long. “I brought her to the base. I led her right to my father.”

“You were under orders. If you didn’t fetch her, the general would have sent someone else.” Isaac grabbed her wrist and lifted her arm. He ran his finger over the long scar through the clothing. “You did what you had to.”

“I should have known she’d kill him.” Violette looked at her arm before tugging it away. “My oath is finished. I never promised not to take revenge. I only promised not to interfere with what she planned.” She still hated her father for forcing the blood oath on her. “I don’t care what my father said. Whatever wrong my father thought to have dealt her, it was nothing to justify the killing of a great man.”

“There are perhaps things we don’t know,” Isaac reasoned.

“Since when do you try to be rational?” Violette quipped in irritation. The last thing she wanted was doubt, in herself or in her crew. “If you don’t wish to come with me, you can stay behind. I—”

“Oh, I’ll come, and I’ll fight whoever you put in front of me just for the sport of it,” Isaac interrupted. “I have no fear of battles. What I do fear is what that battle will do to you if you do not first learn the story. When it is over, you will begin to wonder. That wonder will turn to doubt. Doubt to self-doubt to insecurity and second-guessing. You will be useless as a captain, and I have no desire to acquire work on a new ship. The story won’t change the fact you need to deal with the woman, but it will keep your mind forward. I find humans need that sort of reasoning.”

“Your concern is overwhelming,” she drawled.

Isaac made an indifferent gesture. “How humanoids have evolved to be the most populated races, I will never understand.”

“It’s called breeding,” Violette answered. “Remind me and I’ll explain the concept sometime.”

“You’re not my type.” Isaac gave a small glance toward the door. It was no secret to her that Isaac had a thing for winged men. Gil did not return the sentiment.

“Glad to hear it. This day is already starting on a high note.” Violette turned her attention to Jo as he hung up the com-link to the docks.

“We’re all set. Should be a smooth set down. Quazer has luxury atmospheric generators.”

“As soon as we land, inquire about The Conqueror. Find out where she’s docked.” Violette turned to leave. “Arm up. With those Federation codes, no one will check us. We’re going in with weapons.”

“I do enjoy a good hunt,” Isaac said.

* * *

The white streets shimmered in the bright sunlight as a tropical breeze filtered through the Glamour District. Smooth stone arches with crystal insets lined the sidewalks, creating colorful streaks of light on the ground. As a planet entirely dedicated to luxury and the wealthy, Quazer had docking fees, security fees and a long list of other charges designed to ensure only those who could afford to be there actually landed. Violette paid for none of those with her Federation codes. The district was filled with nobles, the rich and famous from around the galaxy. Their demeanor and actions bespoke of money and power, and enough snobbery that they tended to ignore her.

“Where’s Gil?” Violette asked.

They had tracked Josselyn and Evan to the securities building where she’d open whatever the general had left

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