His Curvy Bride - Nichole Rose Page 0,7

carry her out of here. But one way or another, she's coming with me.

"I…" She glances up at me again, her gaze sliding over my face like she's looking for something there. I'm not sure what, but she seems to find it. Her expression firms, her tongue swiping across her bottom lip. "Okay."


She nods.

Kasen was right. My little dove sings like a fucking angel, only better. She's also more nervous than I initially believed. I thought she'd loosen up a little when the music started, but if anything, it makes her more anxious.

The first time we run through the song, her voice shakes so hard we can't use it. The second time is only slightly better, but there's no denying it. Cami Porter can sing her ass off. She's just too fucking shy to let go and really belt it out.

"We need to run it again," the producer says as the third run-through plays to the end. "Her pitch keeps wobbling because she's nervous."

I glare at him through the glass separating the isolation booth from the control room, not liking the hint of irritation in his voice. Of course she's nervous. She's never done this shit before, especially not with an asshole like him making her feel bad about not being a professional.

"I'm sorry," she whispers, nibbling away on that bottom lip.

"Ignore his crabby ass," I growl, turning her toward me. "Pretend he isn't even here."

She bobs her head in a nod, still nibbling at her lip.

"Can we try something to help you relax, angel?" I murmur, reaching for her hand to twine our fingers together. I like touching her. Actually, I fucking love touching her. Her skin is so soft, and her hand fits in mine like that's where it's supposed to be.

Her nose scrunches up, her distaste obvious. "I'm not doing drugs with you, Bentley."

"That's good to know," I say, chuckling at how suspicious she sounds. Like I'd ever let her do drugs. I don't touch that shit and she won't ever be touching it either. "But that's not what I had in mind. I don't do drugs."

"You don't?"


"Oh. Okay then." She looks relieved.

I shake my head at how cute she is, and then pull the cord to close the blinds over the glass window separating our booth from the control room. As soon as they fall closed, I hit the light switch, leaving the two of us in the dark. I tug on her arm until she's standing in front of me, her back against my chest.

"What are you doing?" she cries, trying to pull away.

"Calm down, little dove," I murmur, holding her still so she can't get away. I keep my hips canted away from her so she doesn't feel how hard I am for her right now. Call me crazy, but I don't think rubbing my dick all up against her is going to help her relax any. "We're going to do this together. Just take a deep breath for me and relax."

She takes a deep, shuddering breath and then exhales it in a huff.

"Breathe with me, angel." I press my chest to her back, wrapping an arm around her waist to keep her still as we breathe together.

It takes her a minute to slow her breathing down to match mine, but eventually she manages to do it.

"Imagine you're at home, singing along to the radio." I can't help but tilt my head down until my lips are at her ear, my breath teasing the little hairs on the side of her face. Christ, she smells good enough to eat. "There's no one around but you and me. I want you to sing it to me this time, little dove. The entire song. Let me hear that beautiful voice."

"Okay," she whispers, her body melting against mine.

"Soren, start the music again," I order the producer.

A second later, the light clicks on, letting us know we're live. The music starts, the simple piano refrain playing quietly over our headsets for an eight count before the acoustic guitar slowly joins. Cami takes a breath and starts to sing right on cue.

Her voice shakes on the first line before she hits her stride. By the time the steel guitar and organ join the mix, she's belting it out like she was born to sing these lyrics. Her body sways against mine as she gets lost in the song.

I sing backup in the spots where she would normally join her voice to mine.

Our voices work together, melding with ease. It's

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