His Curvy Bride - Nichole Rose Page 0,6

when I touch her. A little awe lurks in those green eyes, along with a little desire, as she looks me over.

"I suppose not," she finally decides, blushing again. "You're kind of huge though."

I chuckle, shaking my head. "Nah, you're just tiny."

She snorts like she doesn't believe me, her gaze drifting from mine again.

"I could bench press you easily, angel."

"Do you bench press people often?" she asks, all wide-eyed and innocent.

"Not usually, but I'll make an exception for you if it means getting to touch you." I grin at her, more than willing to hoist her in the air if it means putting my hands on that body. "You're too beautiful."

Her gaze drifts from mine a third time, doubt clear in her eyes.

Whoever put that look on her face—the one that says she doesn't know she's beautiful—is a fucking asshole. This girl is gorgeous. Even with her modest clothing, I already know her body is going to keep me hard and aching for her. Guess I'll just have to teach her how beautiful she is.

I'm looking forward to it.

"We're almost ready for you guys," Soren, our producer, says.

Cami's face goes stark white.

"You're going to do great," I promise her, not even a little bit worried any longer. I grab her hand, twining our fingers together as I lead her into the live room, away from everyone else. I desperately want to kick everyone out of the control room so I can drop to my knees and worship Cami like she deserves, but I'll settle for a few minutes alone with her while they get set up.

She jumps when I push the door closed behind us, her eyes getting even wider.

"You scared to be alone with me?" I ask, cocking a brow.

"No." Her blush deepens, her gaze darting away from mine and then back to do a quick sweep down my body. Hmm. Looks like my little dove might be feeling me too. And fuck if I don't love knowing that.

"You seeing anyone, angel?" I stalk toward her, unable to help myself. I want to be as close to her as possible, for as long as possible.

"S-seeing anyone?"

"Yeah, seeing. Dating." I scowl, still moving toward her. "Fucking."

She quickly shakes her head. "No," she whispers. "I'm not seeing anyone. I don't really do that."

"Do what?"

"See people. Date. I'm um…never mind."

"You're a virgin, little dove?"

She squares her jaw, refusing to answer me…which is answer enough. She really is a pure little dove, untouched and too damn sweet for this world. There's no way Jesus is getting this one back.

I back her toward the corner, out of view of everyone in the control room. She gulps, her gaze flying to mine when she's pressed against the wall, effectively trapped between it and my body. The pulse in her throat flutters like the wings of a bird when I lean in close enough so she can feel the heat coming off my body, but not close enough to make her feel like I'm going to hurt her or some shit.

No one will ever hurt her so long as I'm around.

I lean an arm against the wall above her head, tipping my face down so I can see her. She's so damn small compared to me. Her head barely reaches my chest. I'm not sure why that's so hot to me, but it is. I feel like I can wrap her all up in me and keep her safe.

"You're doing that thing again," she whispers.

"What thing?"

"The thing where you're saying things you shouldn't say."

"Why not? They're true."

She opens her mouth and then closes it again, clearly at a loss for words.

"Why did you agree to help me?" I ask, damn curious why this shy little thing agreed to this when she's obviously scared out of her mind about it.

She licks her lips, her gaze bouncing from me to my chest and then to the floor. "You needed someone to help," she whispers and then shrugs one shoulder. "Riley said…."

"Riley said what?"

"That they might scrap the album if this song isn't perfect."

"And that matters to you?"

She nods, still refusing to meet my gaze.


She shrugs again.

"Why, little dove?"

"Because I believe in you."

"You're coming to dinner with me once we're done here," I tell her, not willing to take no for an answer. Kasen basically kidnapped his girl until she agreed to be his. So it's not like he and Riley have any moral high ground to stand on if I toss my little dove over my shoulder and

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