His Curvy Bride - Nichole Rose Page 0,5

it'll be okay. I can come to visit you. Do you read? I'll bring you books."

Jesus, she's fucking adorable.

I glance over her head at Kasen and Riley. "We need to record fast so I can take her home."

"Why do you need to take her home?" Riley asks, planting her hands on her hips and eyeing me like she thinks I'm up to something.

"So I don't have to share her with you guys. Obviously," I mutter, shaking my head. I don't want to share Cami. I want to keep her all to myself. That way no one else can come along and try to steal her from me.

"Bentley, I don't think your brain and mouth are communicating with each other," Cami whispers, sounding distressed.

I glance back down at her. "That's because all my blood is currently in my dick, little dove. I can't help it. You're making me crazy."

"You say that like you were ever sane to begin with," Riley sniffs.

I mean??he's not wrong. But whatever.

Cami tugs on her hand again, trying to get me to let her go, but I don't want to so I don't. Besides, I don't think she really wants me to let her go either. She keeps rubbing her thumb over the back of my hand.

"You already cleared everyone out of here?" Riley asks, forcing me to look away from my future wife again.

"Yeah. Kasen sent them all home early." I reluctantly release Cami's hand, but step a little closer to her. She looks like she's in danger of passing out. Poor little dove. She really is a shy thing. That's all right though. I'll help draw her out of her shell, make sure she's safe and protected so she can explore the world without losing the innocence practically radiating from her.

"I guess we should get busy then," Riley says, clapping her hands together like she's calling us to order. Christ, she's something else. She wastes no time and gets more shit done in a day than I probably do in an entire month.

The fuckers at the studio might not know their asses from a hole in the ground, but Riley doesn't suffer the same affliction. She knows what she's doing and is rarely ever wrong. She did just bring my future wife to me, after all.

Cami's face pales, her gaze darting from me to Riley and then back again.

"Shouldn't she listen to the song first?" I ask, trying to ease her mind a little.

"She'll listen to you run through it, but she already knows it," Riley says, marching forward like she's going into battle. "She memorized it in the car on the way over."

I raise a brow, impressed and eager as hell to hear my angel sing. If her voice is anything like the rest of her, this song is going to be pure magic. I'm suddenly happy as hell the last chick didn't work out. I want Cami on this album so her name is forever tied to mine like the rest of her will be just as soon as I can make it happen.

"You sure you're ready? You look terrified, little dove," I murmur, tuning Riley out as she starts barking orders at the producer and his assistant, who both stare at her with wide eyes.

Cami peeks up at me through her lashes again, her cheeks flaming now.

Fuck. Did I embarrass her? I didn't mean to do that. I'm just worried she might pass out.

"I do know the song," she says, "but I've never sang professionally before. I'm worried, Bentley. What if I mess this up for you?"

God. She's too fucking sweet for words. Those big green eyes and pink cheeks are doing things to me??razy things I've never felt before. I can't wrap my mind around the fact that she's existed in the same circles as me for this long without us having bumped into each other before now. I would have remembered her if I saw her. Hell, I would have fucking married her before now if I knew she was out there.

"You could never do that," I promise her.

"I don't sing in front of people."

"Why not?"

She shrugs, avoiding my gaze.

Hmm. We'll come back to that one later.

"You aren't singing in front of anyone but me, angel. I'm not that scary, am I?"

She cocks her head to the side, studying me as if she's really considering my question. I know I'm an intimidating son of a bitch, but I don't think that's an issue for her. She seems to like it

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