His Curvy Bride - Nichole Rose Page 0,21

he mumbles, putting the car in park. He quickly hops out and then jogs around to my side to open my door for me.

I let him help me out, smiling at how sweet he is. I can't remember the last time someone opened a door for me or helped me out of the car. "Thank you."

He grunts and then pulls me into his arms, kissing me hard and deep. I cling to him, reluctant to let him go. My favorite place in the world is quickly becoming wherever he's at. He slows the kiss and then breaks away, pressing his lips to my ear.

"I'm going to be hard all day thinking about you coming all over me this morning, little dove," he whispers, nipping at my lobe. "You better go in before I bend you over the front of the car and eat you again."


He grins and then slowly releases me.

I stand there for a long moment, trying to get my bearings. I swear, when he kisses me, I forget my own name. He's that good at it. I never want him to stop. Never, ever.

"Go, angel," he growls, his blue eyes turning dark and needy. He clenches his hands into fists like he's physically fighting the desire to grab me. He even plants his feet, locking his legs in place. Another growl rumbles in his chest, making my panties wet.

I whimper and then stumble toward the doors, forcing myself to go before I throw myself back into his arms and say to hell with work. Riley needs me today. Maybe if I keep telling myself that, the desire to run back to Bentley will lessen. He hasn't even left yet, and I already miss him being glued to my side like he has been since the second I walked into the studio yesterday.

Once I reach the doors, I turn to look at him. He's standing beside his car with his arms crossed over his chest, staring at my ass. His t-shirt is stretched tight across his chest, molding to the muscles. He lifts his gaze to mine and shrugs, giving me an unrepentant smirk that does wicked things to my insides.

"See you at lunch, little dove," he calls to me.

"Bye, Bentley."

"Cami!" Riley shouts as soon as I step through the front doors. She descends on me like a tornado dropping from the sky. She grabs me by the arm, practically dragging me through the building to the elevators. The skirt of her flirty blue dress swishes around her, the petticoat beneath peeping out from the bottom.

I practically have to jog to keep up with her. We're the same height, but she moves fast when she's excited about something. She's excited now.

"He dropped you off this morning? Did you stay the night with him? Was he nice to you? Are you still a virgin? Wait, what am I saying? Of course you're not still a virgin with the way that man was looking at you yesterday. Was he nice to you?" She's talking a mile a minute, throwing questions at me so fast I don't have a chance to answer them.

She's still rattling off questions at the speed of light by the time we make it up to her office. She bypasses my desk, still pulling me along behind her. I manage to drop my purse in my chair, but that's about it.

Cash is in her office, watching Tia bang together some of her blocks. He's got the baby on his shoulder as he lounges on the couch in his jeans and t-shirt. He's a billionaire, but he doesn't dress or act like any billionaire I can think of. He rarely ever dresses up and he has all sorts of cool tattoos like Bentley.

"Help," I mouth to him, my eyes wide. He's the only one who can slow Riley down any at all. She's so used to being in charge that she never stops for very long. But Cash calms her down, settles her in ways I don't think she even realizes. They work together flawlessly.

"Little goddess," Cash says, smiling at Riley like he finds her adorable??hich he does. He's so in love with his wife and babies. He even moved into this building so he could be closer to her. He owns his own company, but now he and his assistant work here, along with a few of his employees. No one seems to mind having him around, least of all Riley. "You gonna give her a chance to

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