His Curvy Bride - Nichole Rose Page 0,14

Now that she's mine, she won't have to worry about doing it all by herself. I plan to spoil the shit out of her.

"Mmhm," I murmur, loading the last of our dishes into the dishwasher. "I didn't move to Nashville until I was out of college."

"You don't have an accent."

"You have one."

She scrunches up her nose. "Do not."

"Yeah, you do." I shake my head, chuckling at her. "You have that Southern drawl. It's cute as hell. I could listen to you all day, little dove."

"I like your voice too." She peeks at me over her wine glass. "You sound like a bear sometimes. It's kind of hot."

"A bear?"

She bobs her head. "Your voice is all growly and deep. Especially when you're irritated." Her cheeks are flushed, but I'm not sure if that's because of the wine or because she's feeling shy again. She's loosened up the longer we've spent together, her shyness giving way to natural curiosity.

She's astute and funny as hell. She's come out of her shell, becoming bolder, more playful. I like this side of her. Hell, I like every side of her. But this is the real Cami, the one she doesn't let many people see. I love that she's comfortable enough with me to let me in.

We talked all through dinner about our lives, our interests, and about music. We have a hell of a lot in common, more than I ever would have suspected. I'm falling hard for her??r maybe I've already fallen. I'm not sure. All I know is that I don't want her to leave tonight or any other night. I want her right here with me, teasing me and telling me all about her day. I love how animated she gets and how her nose crinkles when she's annoyed. Logan Hayes seems to annoy her quite a lot. But let's be honest, Logan Hayes annoys everyone who has to deal with him.

I don't like that he calls her so much. The little fucker probably has a thing for her.

"You were irritated when we met today," she says, setting her wine glass aside.

I toss the kitchen towel over the sink and prowl toward her, not stopping until I'm right in front of her, my hands planted on each side of her. "I was stressed out before you got there," I admit. "Kasen is taking a big risk by packaging his EP with my album. I don't want him to have a reason to regret it."

Cami's expression softens. "You really are a giant teddy bear, aren't you?"

"Nah, little dove," I murmur, leaning in until we're sharing the same sliver of air. "I just don't want to fuck up his career. He's like a brother to me, and I've already fucked up once and lost my chance to make it big."

She wraps her arms around my neck, smiling at me with stars in her eyes. "I don't believe that. You may have walked away from a situation that wasn't good for you, but it led you here??o the opportunity to make music the way you always wanted to make it. I know you're going to do amazing, Bentley."

"You do, huh?"

"I do," she whispers, her sweet breath blowing across my face. I can smell the wine, but the alcohol doesn't dull her natural scent at all. My cock throbs, begging for the attention he's been denied all day. "I know these things, you know. It's kind of my job to help Riley identify crazy talented artists. And you, Bentley Reynolds, are crazy talented."

Jesus, she's a revelation.

"Are you on birth control, angel?"


"Good," I grunt, pulling her toward me by her hips until she locks her legs around my waist. "Because I'm getting you pregnant tonight."

I swallow her gasp, palming her ass as I kiss the shit out of her all over again. She clings to me, letting me carry her through the kitchen and out into the living room. I have to stop once to press her up against the wall. Mostly because I don't want to stop kissing her, but also so I can grind her against my cock. She feels incredible in my arms, precisely like she's meant to be in them.

"Bentley," she moans, writhing against the wall as I attack her neck, leaving little love bites behind. I want everyone to see them and know this little dove is all locked down. No one else is allowed to touch her. Just me.

"Jesus, Cami," I groan, trying to kiss her and pull her shirt off

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