His Curvy Bride - Nichole Rose Page 0,13

world for so long. I don't like that we're only just now meeting. But I think it's fucking adorable that you were nervous to meet me. Do I measure up?"

"You're way bigger up close." Her blush deepens. "And even hotter."

Christ, I gotta get inside her and plant my baby in her.

"You're pretty hot yourself, angel." I tip my head down to brush my lips across hers. "You hungry?"

"A little. I skipped lunch."

Change of plans. I'll feed her, and then I'll get her pregnant.

"Come on," I mumble, twining our fingers together to lead her into the kitchen. Once we're inside, I pick her up and sit her on a stool at the island.

She grabs onto my shoulders like she thinks I might drop her. I don't like that she's so self-conscious about her weight. She's thick and curvy, but not even close to fat. She's breathtaking. Those curves she's ashamed of are utter goddam perfection. If I ever find any of the fuckers who teased her about her weight when she was younger, I'm sticking my foot all the way up their asses. They can apologize to her while my toes tickle their tonsils. Sorry motherfuckers, making my little dove sad and afraid.

"You're doing it again," she whispers.

"Doing what?"

"Saying things you don't mean to say. Well??his time you're growling at me."

"Not at you, angel." I press my lips to her temple. "Never at you. Just thinking about the assholes who made you ashamed of your curves. You remember the name of that producer?"


I shrug, not answering.

Her lips tilt into a soft smile. "You going to beat him up for me, Bentley?"

"Thinking about it."

Her smile grows, her eyes lighting up with happiness. "You're really sweet, you know? Everyone always says you're an asshole, but I don't think that's true."

I laugh softly before pulling away to prowl through the fridge. "I am an asshole, little dove. Just not to you. You don't piss me off like everyone else does."

"You're not an asshole to Riley," she says.

"That's because Riley is terrifying." I pull a couple steaks and fresh green beans out of the fridge. "I've heard her threaten to cut Kasen's balls off with a dull butter knife. She could probably do it too. I happen to like my balls right where they're at."

Cami laughs, not one of those little giggles, but a full-out belly laugh. The sound shoots right though me, hitting me in the heart. I think I'm in love.

"She and Kasen bicker all the time," Cami says, still laughing. "They drive each other crazy, but they love each other like siblings. It's really adorable. Kasen is protective of her."

"He's a good dude."

She cocks her head to the side, eyeing me. "Do you really flirt with Olivia all the time?"

"Only because Kasen hates when I do it. He's fun to rile up," I say with an unrepentant grin before I sober. "I won't be doing that shit anymore though."

"Because she's about to have the baby?"

"Because of you." I start pulling out pots and pans. "Don't want you thinking I'm not faithful. I'll never cheat on you or break your heart, Cami."

"Oh," she whispers.

I give her a minute to process that while I prep the meat and start cooking.



"Do you really want the song to be a duet?"

"Fuck yeah, I do." I glance over my shoulder at her so she knows I'm serious. "The song is good with you singing backup. It's fucking phenomenal with you as my partner. I don't give a fuck what that producer said when you were a kid, Cami. You were born to sing."

"I'm scared," she admits, chewing on her bottom lip again. She looks so damn small and vulnerable. I can't help but cross the kitchen to pull her into my arms. She cuddles up against my chest with a quiet sigh.

"I know you're scared, but I will never let anyone hurt you. Do you trust me?"

She nods, her head bumping against my bearded chin.

"Then trust me when I tell you that everything is going to be all right, okay?"

"Okay," she whispers, melting into me.

"You grew up in Chicago?" Cami asks, her eyes bright as she sips her wine after dinner. She's sitting at the island, watching as I clean up. She tried to help me, but I put her on a stool and told her to sit there and let me handle it. She grew up with a sick dad and her elderly grandma, so a lot of responsibility fell on her from a young age.

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