His Curvy Bride - Nichole Rose Page 0,12

on the corners of my lips like he can't stop kissing me. "I don't want to stop either, but we're in a cab. I don't want to get carried away and scare you off."

Oh. I forgot we were in a cab. I kinda forgot everything. I bury my face in his throat to avoid looking at our driver. If he's watching us, I don't want to know it. I also don't want to know if he's wondering what a guy like Bentley is doing with someone like me.

Bentley runs his hands up and down my back in soothing passes. We're both breathing hard. I have to fight the urge to wiggle because I can feel his erection between my legs and it's driving me crazy. I haven't seen many penises in my life, but his seems as big as the rest of him.

"If you don't want to come home with me, you better tell me now, little dove," Bentley murmurs, burying his face in my hair. "While I still have the ability to think straight."

"I want to," I whisper.


"Yeah. I??m?? I want to tell him that I really like him, but the words won't come. They're stuck in my throat, frozen because I'm not sure they're true. I don't simply like him. I think I'm already falling for him. Lord, I'm in way over my head. That scares me and makes my entire body hum with excitement at the same time.

"I know, little dove," he says like he understands what I want to say but can't. "I know."

Chapter Four


"I can't believe you really live here," Cami says, spinning in a slow circle in the middle of my living room. She looks so fucking cute, staring around her like I live in a castle or something. I don't. It's a three-bedroom brown-brick 1930s style Tudor in Lockeland Springs. I've been slowly renovating the house back to its former glory, but it still needs work. "It's so beautiful."

The house isn't the only beautiful thing around here. I lean back against the wall and cross my arms over my chest, grinning as Cami explores the living room. She looks good in my space, like she belongs here. This house was made for a family. I've been renovating it with a family of my own in mind. I've already decided she's moving in and giving me babies as soon as I can convince her.

She picks up a jar of guitar picks off the mantle, smiling as she looks through them. "Did you play with all of these?"

"Yep." I push away from the wall and prowl toward her. "There's one from every show I've played in there."

"That's so cool." She smiles up at me, her green eyes shining with sincerity. "You're crazy talented, you know? I love listening to you play."

"You listen to me, angel?"

She nods, blushing that adorable pink again. "I've kinda had a crush on you for a while," she admits. "You probably get that a lot, huh?"

"Not as often as you'd think," I rumble, taking the jar from her hands and setting it back on the mantle. "Most women who show an interest in me are after an introduction to Kasen."

Cami's nose crinkles like she doesn't see the appeal. With her, I know it's not an act. She's not attracted to Kasen or trying to lull me into a false sense of complacency. Her interest in me is genuine. It's not about what I can do for her or who I know, but about who I am. Hell, she probably has more connections in Nashville than I do.

"Why haven't I ever seen you before today, little dove?" I ask, wrapping my hands around her wrists and tugging her closer to me. Her chest collides with my abdomen. I wrap my arms around her, enjoying the hell out of how soft and sweet she is. She's tiny and delicate, completely perfect. "You been hiding from me?"

"Kind of."

I tip my head down to look at her.

"I've been to some of Kasen's shows to help Riley, but you and I have only been in the same room together once before," she whispers, nibbling on her lip again. She does that a lot when she's nervous or worried. "I??m, I may have gotten nervous about meeting you and hid."

"You were nervous to meet me?"

She bobs her head in an emphatic nod.

"Fuck, you're sweet," I mumble, grinning at her. "I was mad as hell today when I realized you've been walking around on the fringes of my

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