His Curvy Bride - Nichole Rose Page 0,10

adamant. I pull away from him to pace. "You're all insane. No."

"Cami, you sound amazing," Riley says.

"You do," Kasen agrees.

"This song was made for you, angel," Bentley murmurs, pacing toward me. All those muscles bunch and ripple as he moves. He holds out his hands but I ignore him, seriously considering making a run for it. "I want you on this track with me, and not just doing backing vocals."

I shake my head, unable to actually speak.

"Did you hear how fucking incredible we sound together, little dove?"

We did sound incredible, but he's still insane. I'm not a singer. Singers have to sing in front of people. I don't do that. If they're willing to laugh at a sixteen-year-old for being big, they'll laugh even harder at a twenty-two-year-old, especially if they see me standing beside Bentley. He's freaking gorgeous. I'm petite and chubby.

Distress claws its way through me, sending moisture welling in my eyes. I pop them open wide and bite my bottom lip to keep from crying. I don't cry in front of people either.

"Mix both versions," Bentley says to the producer, not looking away from me. His expression softens, patient understanding lighting his eyes. "We'll decide later which one we want to keep."

My shoulders slump, relief coursing through me.

"If you say so," Soren mutters like he thinks Bentley is crazy. "I'll mix them now and get them to you tomorrow."

"Good. We'll decide then which we want to send to the studio."

"I have to go," Riley says, looking at her phone like something has come up. I'm pretty sure she's just looking at the picture of Cash and the babies on her lock-screen though.

"Same," Kasen says.

"Bentley, will you make sure Cami gets home safely?" Riley asks before I can even say a word. She's not very good at hiding what she's doing. She wants me and Bentley to spend more time together. Probably so he can convince me to let him use the duet.

I narrow my eyes at her, but she just smiles at me like she's innocent.

"Of course. We have plans anyway."

"We do?" I blink at him. I thought he was kidding earlier when he said I was coming to dinner with him, though I don't know why. I guess I just thought he would forget about it after I finished what I came here to do. People say a lot of things they don't mean when they want something from you.

His heated gaze rakes up and down my body. "Yeah, angel, we definitely do."

My womb clenches, sending nervous energy zipping through me. I may be a virgin, but I know what that look means. He wants to sleep with me. I think…no, I know I want to sleep with him too. Riley always tells me I need to take risks and put myself out there. Maybe it's time for me to take her advice. Even if Bentley is crazy, I like him. A lot. If the way he keeps watching me is any indication, I think he likes me too.

"Okay," I whisper, praying I'm not wrong about him. It might actually break my heart if this is just an act and he really is the asshole everyone says he is.

"Come here, little dove," Bentley says, crooking a finger at me from across the backseat of the taxi we're sharing on the way to…wherever he's taking me.

I scoot closer to him, but I guess I'm not moving fast enough to please him. He hooks an arm around my waist and pulls me across the bench seat until I'm practically on top of him. Once I'm where he wants me, he tips his face down to mine and grins.

"That's better."

I feel my cheeks blaze with heat again. I don't think I've ever blushed this much in my life. It's ridiculous! I lay my head on his shoulder to hide my flushed face and also to discreetly sniff him because he smells wonderful, like citrus and soap.

"Did you just sniff me?" he asks.


"You did."

"Did not."

"Well, I've been sniffing you all day, angel. You smell fucking edible."

"It's my lotion."

"Nah, it's definitely you." There's a smile in his voice as he says it. "I bet you taste as good as you smell, don't you?" His lips touch my crown. "I can't fucking wait to find out if I'm right."

I don't say anything because I'm not sure what to say to that. And also because I think I might whimper if I open my mouth.

"You going to let me eat you?" he asks,

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