His Curvy Bride - Nichole Rose Page 0,1

asks, passing Leo to Olivia, who melts like an ice cream cone as soon as the little guy is in her arms.

She's due with her and Kasen's first baby in a couple weeks and is so ready to be a mom. Kase is going to be a great dad??hich is weird to say because he's kind of crazy. But he adores his wife and can't keep his hands off her growing belly. It's adorable.

I narrow my eyes on my boss, suddenly highly suspicious. Riley never asks me how much I love her unless she wants something she knows I'm not going to want to do. Like covering for her when she sneaks out of the building without telling Cash. I'm a terrible liar! He always knows I'm hiding something.

"Not very much," I mumble. "I just spent an hour on the phone with Logan. I think he's gotten dumber, Riley."

Cash laughs quietly.

"There's no way he's gotten dumber," Kase drawls, also laughing. "It's scientifically impossible."

"Wanna bet?" I turn to him with my hands on my hips. "He legitimately doesn't understand why we don't pay for his condoms because an unplanned pregnancy or an STD would be a publicity issue and we're responsible for handling his publicity."

"Jesus Christ," Cash mutters.

"He's lucky he's hot," Olivia says.

Kasen instantly whips around to face her, a growl rumbling in his chest.

"What? He is hot," his wife says and then grins at him, her blue eyes dancing with humor. "But you don't have to worry. I prefer men who can actually speak complete sentences."

"He'd be hotter if he didn't speak."

"Truth," Riley says, bobbing her head in agreement, which earns her a hard glare from Cash. She pretends not to see it. "If you do me this one tiny favor, I'll make Janice deal with Logan from now on."

Okay. Now I'm certain she's up to something. I'm not taking the bait. Nope. No way.

"What favor?"

Dang it!

Her gray eyes light up like she knows she has me. And darn it, she does. I think I'd lie down and let the Country Music Awards use me as a red carpet if it meant not having to deal with Logan anymore. I'm a nice person, but not even Mother Teresa could put up with him for long. Ever since he won Dancing with the Stars, he's blown up. His ego has grown in proportion.

"Kase convinced me to let Bentley Reynolds do a solo album and package his new acoustic EP and Bentley's album together to launch Bentley's solo career. I don't know why I agreed."

"Because he's crazy fuckin' talented," Kase supplies.

Riley glares at him.

"What? He is."

Bentley is Kasen's ridiculously hot guitarist. He has this deep, bluesy voice that gives me chills when I hear him. He should have been recording years ago, but he's never put out an album. I have a massive crush on him, but he has no clue I even exist.

The man is so hot. He's a giant with these crazy muscles that make me want to lick him. He's also tall??ike really tall. Combined with his dark blond hair and wicked blue eyes, the man reminds me of a freaking Viking warrior. He's about twenty thousand miles outside of my league.

"I thought you were mad at him for flirting with me," Olivia says.

"I am mad at him. The fucker is always hittin' on you to piss me off. I don't like it. But he's still talented."

"He doesn't suck," Cash agrees.

"My point is that Kase talked me into it because he's always talking me into dumb stuff," Riley says with a little huff. "I don't know why I still listen to him. It never ends well for me."

"Because I'm awesome and I'm smart."

"Shut up."

"You asked." Kasen shrugs.

Riley rolls her eyes at him before turning back to me. "Anyway! I agreed to let him do it, but there was a tiny little problem with Bentley's backup singer. And now he needs someone to fill in because today is his last day in the studio. I can't pull a talented backup singer out of a hat."

"What tiny problem?" I ask, refusing to focus on the other parts of her statement or I might throw up. Actually, I will definitely throw up. I can't sing in front of people. Especially not Bentley. I've been in the same room with him exactly once, and as soon as I saw him, I ran in the other direction. If I can't even sit in the same room with him, there's no way I'm going to

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