His Curvy Bride - Nichole Rose

Chapter One


"Logan, you can't claim condoms as a public relations expense," I explain for the fourth time, trying not to lose my temper with the most frustrating recording artist we represent. At twenty, Logan Hayes is already a megastar. He's also become a mega pain in my ass.

"Why not? Knocking someone up or getting an STD would be bad press, and you guys are responsible for handling my press, right?" The hint of genuine confusion in his tone has me fighting the urge to scream.

He's got an incredible voice, but God love him, he is not very bright. I think his mama dropped him on his head when he was a baby. Or maybe all the pot he smokes has fried his brain cells. I don't know, but he's lucky he's hot and has Riley Jamison as a manager or he'd be in serious trouble.

"Maybe don't sleep around and then you wouldn't have to worry about either of those things happening," I suggest??hich is totally reasonable if you ask me.

He laughs like he thinks I'm joking.

Christ on a cracker. He probably does think I'm joking. Monogamy is a foreign concept to a lot of our artists. They jump from bed to bed faster than I can keep up with.

"You know what? Never mind. I'll get Riley to sign off on it," I huff, giving up. Arguing with Logan is like arguing with a box of rocks. Only worse, because rocks don't speak. Logan Haynes does. Endlessly. I'll pay for his dang condoms myself if it gets him off my phone faster.

"Good deal," he says.

"I'll text you the talking points for your interviews this week. Do you need anything else?"

Please say no. Please say no.

"Actually, I was thinkin' about that. Why can't I talk about my night with the woman who inspired the first single? She's older and way hot."

I lay my head on my desk and whimper. I love my job, really I do. Working at Saunders Management is all kinds of fun, and I absolutely love Riley??ut if she doesn't find someone else to deal with Logan soon, I might actually lose my mind. She's lucky I love her or I would not have agreed to field his calls.

"Cami!" Riley's voice comes through the intercom connecting her office to mine.

"Yeah, boss?"

"I need you in my office."

Thank you, baby Jesus.

"Logan, we'll have to discuss it later. In the meantime, stick to the talking points," I instruct and then hang up before he can argue with me. Or, worse, start giving me details about the woman who inspired the single. The song is, literally, about doing the deed with a stranger in a bar bathroom. I do not need to know details. Ever.

I quickly save the spreadsheet I was working on before Logan called and then hop up to find out what Riley needs. I stretch my arms over my head, trying to work out the kinks in my back. I've been at my desk since seven this morning and it's already after one.

I really need to get up and move around more when I'm working at my desk.

When I get to Riley's office, I find her pacing the floor, baby Leo in her arms. Cash, her husband, is sprawled across the couch with their eighteen-month-old, Tia, passed out on his shoulder. Kasen Alexander and his pregnant wife, Olivia, are cuddled up in a chair together, making mooneyes at each other.

I swear, everyone around here is head over heels in love. Except for me. Big girls don't get a lot of love in a place like Nashville. I should know. I've been a big girl in this city my entire life. The only attention I ever got growing up was from bullies who thought picking on the shy, overweight girl was quality entertainment.

Not much has changed in the years since. At twenty-two, I'm still incredibly shy, and the only men who are interested in me tend to be the ones who are looking for a quick hookup. Or, worse, those who think dating me will get them closer to the country music stars Saunders Management represents. I gave up even trying to find my soulmate the fifth time that happened.

But seeing Cash and Riley and Kasen and Olivia always sends pangs of envy through me. I want what they all have, desperately. If my dream man is out there, I think he lost the directions to me and is currently spinning his wheels somewhere in Bolivia.

"How much do you love me?" Riley

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