His Captive Mortal A Vampire Romance - Renee Rose Page 0,9

dark eyes search mine. He must like what he sees because he nods.

And then he disappears. Poof! Gone. Leaving my senses tingling, searching for the solid body that was just standing in front of me. But he’s gone, and I’m alone in my living room, my heartbeat doing a wacky tango.

I reach out and let my hand hover in the air, in the blank space where the vampire used to be.

“Wait,” I say. I should be relieved, but instead I feel empty inside. “I don’t even know your name…”

Chapter 4


As soon as I materialize in my bedroom, I want to return to Aurelia’s. If I didn’t know better, I’d say the little fairy cast a spell on me.

But no, she wasn’t lying when she claimed to have no knowledge of her true power. She’s a virgin magic user, untouched, untried, but not unwilling. Not with the right motivation.

I won’t let this one get away.

I gather my things quickly. A threat might hold my little fairy fighter but not for long. Fortunately, I have the power to dematerialize and reappear again. Not every vampire can do it, but I’m one of the lucky ones. It’ll help me go undetected in Lucius’ city. I’ll have to restrict myself to Aurelia’s apartment, but that will be no hardship. Little Miss Tinkerbell might protest, but her scent tells me she’s as intrigued about me as I am with her. Which will make things easier. I’d rather master her body and win her cooperation through the dance of sexual domination than to actually harm or threaten her or her loved ones.

But I’m willing to do whatever it takes to get what I want. As a lone vampire, I have one allegiance: to myself. The one time I trusted another, I got hit with a curse.

I won’t let my guard down again. Not even with Aurelia. Not that she’ll let me.

So adorable, the way she came at me with the sharpened stake. Quick thinking on her part, assuming she’d never met a vampire before or contemplated killing one. Impressive. And, dare I say, sexy. I’m drawn to her.

And not because of her lithe body or beautiful face. Perhaps it’s her innate power or the way she stood up to me even when terrified. It makes me want to grab a handful of her thick, shimmery hair in my fist and bang her hard from behind. Show her who’s master.

But no. Satisfying myself with her body is the last thing I need. It’d be of no use. The curse has seen to that.

I hoist a box of supplies and trace back to Aurelia’s. Her living room is empty, but the door to her bedroom is open a crack. She’s curled in a ball under her covers, her brows drawn together as if in concentration. Her face looks so young and innocent in sleep. It stirs my lifeless heart. Watching her dream, I almost feel...what? Compassion? Affection? Caring of any kind?

No. Impossible.

I return to my apartment and transport another batch of supplies, then repeat until I’m done.

Now, to make this apartment mine. I grab a roll of duct tape, and cover every window in the place. Next I’ll nail sheets of plywood in front of them in every room but Aurelia’s--I’ll save her bedroom for last. I close the door to keep from waking her. She will need her rest to begin her studies tomorrow.

My preparations for dawn are crude but effective. When all the moonlight is gone from the place, I finally relax.

Operation Break My Curse has begun.


I run down Congress Street. A monster is chasing me--a giant black shadow with white fangs. Ahead, in the middle of the road, Gwen dances on top of her yellow car to K-pop music. The faster I run, the slower I go, my feet aching. There’s a rhythmic banging--like someone’s hammering something just out of sight. The monster is catching up, and flyers for Club Toxic rain down on my head--

“Shhhh, wake up little fairy. You’re having a bad dream.”

I flail and someone catches my wrists. I squint in the dark at a narrow face. As soon as my gaze meets his dark eyes, my body softens. “Vampire,” I breathe. “You came back.”

“I did. I’m going to be staying for a while.”

“Here? With me?”

“Yes, sweetheart.” He bends his head and whispers a series of commands. The words sink into my bones--don’t touch the windows, don’t touch the doors, don’t leave without permission.

“What?” a small part of me rouses enough to

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