His Captive Mortal A Vampire Romance - Renee Rose Page 0,4

be more convincing if I didn’t sound so out-of-breath.

The corner of his lips lift. Slowly, slowly enough for me to stop him, he tugs my hands away. Again I get the sense of déjà vu. It hits me so strongly--the vampire’s face, his cheekbones sharp enough to split atoms, the curve of his fangs and cleft of his chin. I’m so lost in the feeling that I know him that I forget to fight.

The vampire unbuttons my jeans and unzips them. My stomach unravels with the zipper. He’s so sexy I can’t draw air.

Hooking his thumbs in the waistband of my jeans, he slips them down, taking my panties with them. My brain stutters to life, and I make a half-hearted move to catch them and stall out. My lady parts are bare, exposed to his satisfied gaze.

The muscles in my pussy quiver. It occurs to me to hold my shirt down, trying to cover my bare cleft as I stand on trembling legs. Do I want this? Do I even have a choice? I probably should figure out how to get away from him—or how to protect myself instead of standing here like a virginal offering, but I’m too enthralled by the eroticism of the spanking and now his undressing of me. Not to mention the sense that I’ve done this before.

What will the sexy, sadistic vampire do next?

“Defiance will earn you extra punishment, my dear.” His smile is predatory.

My belly flutters with excitement.

He is the cat, and I am his mouse. Oh yes, run, my little Tinkerbell. I do so love a good chase.

He’s playing with his food before he eats me. Or drinks me, as the case may be. Is it wrong that I hope he eats me first? It wouldn’t be such a bad way to go—ravished by a vampire.

But he picks up my wooden dowel and tugs me back over his knee.

Uh oh.

One smack with the wooden stick, and I squeal. The makeshift cane leaves a line of fire. Next time Karen tries to give me a wall-hanging, I will toss it back in her face.

I twist, trying to cover my naked butt with my hand, but the vampire catches my wrist and bends my arm behind my back. He thwaps the thin dowel down again.

“Oh, fork!” I yelp and squeeze my eyes shut.

The vampire pauses. “Fork?”

“Um, yes,” I pant, grateful for the reprieve. “I try not to swear. I work with kids.”

“Ahh,” he says and brings the dowel down again. The stake stings my bare flesh. I kick like a colt, and he chuckles.

“Fork!” I scream again. “Stop it!”

“Take your punishment, little mortal,” he says. “You earned it. There’s nothing you can do to stop it now. But if you cooperate, I might consider letting you come when it’s all over.”

“Let me come?” Why is his dominance turning me on?

“Your choice,” he says mildly, spanking a few more times.

He flicks it at my upper thigh, and I can’t take it anymore. “All right! All right, vampire...I’m sorry.”

“Ah.” He drops the dowel and rubs my bottom for a blissful moment before giving me three more spanks with his hand in quick succession. “Magic words. Say it like you mean it,” he purrs.

“I—I’m sorry, vampire,” I cry out in a rush. “I’m sorry I tried to kill you with a stake. I won’t do it again, I promise.”

He chuckles and gives me another spank. “I’m not sure I believe you. I came here simply wanting to talk, and you give me your poor imitation of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.”

“I didn’t mean to…”

He slaps my ass again. “Please, vampire. I’m sorry.” I hold my breath, hoping he accepts it.

“Not as contrite as I’d like, but I’ll accept.”

He leans down and grabs the dowel again, breaking off the sharp tip of my makeshift stake. Then he snaps the length in half, dropping the pieces on the floor. “That’s probably the best you can give me for now,” he muses, running a cool hand over my bare cheeks, making other parts of me come alive. I grow slick between my legs, my breath stays short for new reasons.

The vampire smells faintly like fancy cologne and something else--a rich, wild scent that reminds me of fresh air and cold stone.

His fingers stray near my neediest parts, and I open my thighs.

“No, no, Tinkerbell.” To my disappointment, he lifts me to stand and pulls up my jeans and panties. “You didn’t earn your reward tonight.” He guides me to sit on

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