His Captive Mortal A Vampire Romance - Renee Rose Page 0,34

muffled voice calls from outside. It’s Wilson, my ex-boyfriend. Crap on a cracker.

“Aurelia?” Wilson shouts again, repeating the knock.

Before I can think of anything to say, I hear the sound of the key turning in the lock and Wilson walks right in.

“What the fuck?” he gasps, taking in my position. Mother forker! I’m naked, wrists bound together with a leather belt, legs spread wide, a mother-forking vampire with lengthened fangs standing in front of me. Charlie looks furious at the intrusion. And to top it off, the ginger in my ass has begun to burn. My pussy is dripping, but I’m shifting from leg to leg with discomfort.

Before I can say anything, there’s a blur. In a move too fast for my eyes, Charlie pins Wilson against the wall. The vampire’s got one hand around my ex’s throat, holding Wilson up off the ground.

“Charlie, stop,” I scream

Charlie’s head snaps my way. He looks over his shoulder at me, his fangs long and deadly, his eyes an unnerving red... “Who is this?” he hisses.

I twist about, trying to reach the doorknob to free myself. It’s no use. I’m completely helpless. “Wilson. He’s a friend.”

“A friend?” Charlie thunders, pulling Wilson from the wall and then banging him back up against it. My ex is no lightweight—5’10” and over two hundred pounds—but Charlie tosses him around like a stuffed toy.

What the fork is going on? Charlie looks completely demonic. HIs eyes are red. Is this some sort of jealous reaction? Or is he feeling threatened?

Forking Wilson. Of all the times for my ex to come back. And use his key—the one I told him to get rid of.

Under Charlie’s grip, Wilson gasps, trying to draw breath.

“He’s just a friend,” I repeat. “An ex. He still has a key, but he shouldn’t. You should take it away from him.”

Charlie turns back, examining Wilson, whose face has turned a frightening shade of red. I don’t doubt Charlie will kill Wilson if he wants.

“Please, Charlie,” I beg. “Please let him go. He’s harmless, I swear. Please don’t hurt him.”

Charlie’s eyes narrow, and he looks back at me and then to his prey.

“Please don’t kill him. Please, Charlie.”

How long has Wilson’s air been cut off? I’m convinced it’s all over, that Wilson’s gonna die, but at long last, Charlie eases his grip on my ex’s throat.

Wilson gasps for breath, doubling over.

“What are you doing here?” Charlie demands.

When Wilson doesn’t answer, Charlie wraps a fist in his shirt and hauls him off his feet again. “I said, what are you doing here?”

I shiver, oddly turned on by the masculine display of aggression. Somehow it makes his gentleness with me all the more apparent. Or maybe it’s just the ginger in my ass, heating my naughty parts until I can’t think straight.

Wilson stares at Charlie with wild eyes, presumably freaked out by the fangs and having almost been choked to death. Oh and probably also from seeing me trussed up naked like a sex slave.

“What are you doing here, Wilson?” I ask as calmly as I can. Maybe he’ll answer me, if not the vampire.

Wilson’s eyes dart from Charlie’s face to mine. “Wh-what’s going on?”

“I’m asking the questions,” Charlie snarls.

“Answer him, Wilson,” I warn. I know I’m safe with the vampire, but I doubt Wilson is. Charlie looks ready to drain him.

“I just...thought I’d stop by. You know, I missed you. And then I saw the windows all boarded up, and I got worried, so I used my key.”

“Okay, listen,” I say quickly, as if I’m not hanging by my wrists with flogging marks on my ass. “We’re over. You don’t get to stop by, and you don’t get to keep the key. Give it to Charlie.” I nod to the vampire. I wobble a little. I’m probably not sounding as in control as I hope I am. It’s super hard to sound authoritative when strung up naked in one’s living room.

Wilson fumbles for the keys, dropping them on the floor. Charlie releases him with a shove in the key’s direction.

“Pick them up.” Charlie’s British accent is sharp enough to slice bone.

Wilson bends to pick them up, his hands shaking as he pulls my house key off. “Are you in some kind of trouble?”

“I’m trying to get laid, now get out!” I snap, trying to sound as bitchy as possible. The last thing I need is Wilson deciding to play hero and trying to rescue me from Charlie because that’s a good way for him to end up dead.


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