His Captive Mortal A Vampire Romance - Renee Rose Page 0,24

legs twitch like she is running. A nightmare, perhaps. She lets out a whimpering cry, and I can’t stand it any longer. I pull her into my arms without thinking.

“Shh, love. It’s just a dream,” I murmur.

She stirs, her eyes blinking open. “Charlie,” she sighs, still half asleep. “I’m glad you’re here. You’re always here when I need you.” Her eyes close again, and her breathing deepens.

What was that about? No use asking. I doubt she’ll remember any of it in the morning. Even though she sleeps peacefully now, I don’t release her, reluctant to put any distance between our bodies. Her soft form nestles so sweetly against mine, her champagne smell soothing. Her presence makes my spirit lighter. Fae are special creatures, but this is all Aurelia.

With my Tinkerbell nestled in my arms, I drift off to sleep. But instead of dreaming of my sweet mortal, I find myself on the narrow shadowy streets of Paris, on errand for Anka. The scent of blood rises off my clothes. I’ve just killed a man, drained him, and now I’m returning to my lover’s bordello for a reward.

One second, I’m in a stinking alley, then next, I’m in a lush and perfumed bedchamber. I carry the scent of the dead man’s blood—but Anka won’t mind. She loves the stench of death.

“Sweet vampire,” Anka says, stroking my face. “I can always count on you, can’t I?” She lets down her thick hair, the dark mass falling from the curls pinned on the crown of her head. She allows her robe to drop, displaying her magnificent body, clad only in a corset and stockings.

I growl and flash to my knees before her, releasing the garters and peeling down the silk. She runs her fingers through my hair, guiding my mouth to her sex. “I save it only for you,” she tells me. Even in the dream, I hear the lie. But I pretend not to.

I pleasure her to climax then lift her to stand with my mouth still at her cunt. Carrying her to the bed, I lay her down, free my cock and plunge into her warmth. I stroke deep into her pussy as my fangs seek her neck.

“Charlie,” she moans. She’s writhing, wild. Her hands are claws, tearing at my body.

“Charlie...Charlie! Char-lie!”

The golden scent slaps me in the face. I open my eyes to find Aurelia struggling beneath me, screaming in terror. My fangs are at her neck, and she is pushing my face away with the heel of her hand. The gyrations of her hips aren’t sexual but panicked.

I jerk back, lifting my weight onto my hands and blinking my eyes into focus.

“Oh thank God,” she cries, nearly in tears. She pushes at my shoulders, trying to scramble out from under me.

My cock is thick and hard, but I’m still clothed. My hips hover over hers. I’d been grinding against her, about to take her vein.

“Aurelia,” I mutter, shaking my head.

Damn. I scared the hell out of her after vowing not to bite her without permission. I shouldn’t be sleeping next to a mortal when so blood-starved.

“Who is Anka?” she demands. Is that a trace of jealousy in her voice? The thought cheers him.

“She’s the witch who cursed me,” I say.

“Oh.” She studies me. I enjoy being the subject of her scrutiny, her chocolate and gold eyes so full of intelligence and light.

“I’m sorry I scared you,” I murmur.

“You were really going to bite me,” she sighs. “I couldn’t wake you up. What if you drained me before you knew it?”

“I wouldn’t do that.”

“Do what? Bite me or drain me?”

“Drain you.” My head pounds even though all the blood in my body has rushed to my cock. “As for biting, I promise, you would enjoy it.”

Her scent flares up. My fangs sharpen enough to cut the inside of my mouth. I’m helpless against her, my hips nudging forward to grind my cock against her mound. Before she can start to wrestle, I lower my body to pin hers, my hips rolling against hers. I can feel the peaked tips of her nipples even through our layers of clothing.

My mouth finds her ear. “I can’t help it if I find you irresistible while I sleep. You just feel so...delicious.” My tongue traces the silken edge of her ear.

Her pelvis tilts to meet mine, and she starts to pant, even as she grips my shoulders, trying to push me off.

“I just want to taste you. I’ll make it feel good, I promise,”

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