His Captive Mortal A Vampire Romance - Renee Rose Page 0,15

did. I want you to do it again. Stronger this time.”

Already the two tries have exhausted me. “I don’t know how,” I complain.

Charlie strides over to me, looking every inch the authoritarian. My belly flutters with excitement and nerves. What would he do this time? Spank me again? Scold me? Bite my bra off with his sexy sharp teeth?

He cups my chin and looks down at me warmly. “You’re doing very well, little fairy. The more you use it, the more power you’ll have. I need you to keep practicing for me.”

His approval should not warm me, turn me gooey inside.

“It’s...tiring,” I manage to say, still lost in his dark gaze.

“Do you need a snack?” When I nod, he moves his hand to my nape, turns me and guides me toward the kitchen. There, he pulls a chair out for me. “Sit,” he orders. “Now, try again. Blow the curtains over there.”

As much for my own curiosity as to satisfy his demands, I continue to practice the skill. After several attempts, the curtains lift and wave in the air as if the window weren’t boarded shut.

“Well done, little mortal.”

“My magic brings all the fang boys to the yard,” I brag.

With a grin, Charlie sets a plate of the same graham cracker treat I made last night in front of me. “Now, show me your protective bubble again.”

I throw it up, and he blurs backward to give me room. As with the initial time, at first I can’t see my creation, but once he shows me the edges with his hands, my eyes find the invisible outline, catching the shimmer.

He pokes and prods the bubble, able to distort its shape, but not puncture it. “Can you make it thicker?” he asks. When I try and succeed, he demands I make it rigid then change its color. It seems there’s no limit to what I can do: I simply use my imagination to cast the image. Excitement bubbles up in me. Is this really all true? I possess magical abilities? I feel like Harry Potter must have felt when he first got the letter for Hogwarts.

Despite my trepidation and annoyance over Charlie barging in and making his demands, I can’t help but feel gratitude for this gift.

“Come over here and face this white wall,” he says. Every time he gives a command, my pussy clenches, like he owns me with nothing more than his sexy voice.

I stand as he directs, and he stands behind me, grasping my shoulders. “Hold your hand out in front of you and look at the energy surrounding it. Tell me if you see any colors.”

“What is it, an aura?”

“I don’t know. I see it only faintly, and most mortals don’t see anything at all. But that doesn’t mean it’s not there.” He speaks with his lips close to my ear, so I can’t concentrate on anything but the thrum of excitement at his nearness, his masculine scent and the memory of his fingers tweaking my sex. “What do you see, love?”

I shiver at his hot breath feathering over my ear, seeing nothing.

“Shall I tell you what I see?”

“Yes, please.”

“Mmm, so polite. I see a layer of yellow, then turquoise blue, then green.”

I blink at my hand, trying to see what he sees.

“Focus past your hand at the wall but still look at your hand.”

“That makes no…” I twist around, my breasts brushing against Charlie’s firm chest. “...sense.” My nipples tighten, heat travels up my neck.

He smirks down at me. I’m sure he knows I find him attractive. He turns me back around and smacks my ass. “Try again.”


I’m tired but happy when it comes time for my shift. I feel hollowed out but triumphant.

I’m surprised Charlie even lets me go to work, but I guess he knows I won’t run. Already there’s a bond between us. Weird but true.

I pick up a burrito on my way to work from one of the food trucks, eating it as I walk. I can’t stop thinking of the vampire. Was he really born in 1825? What has he seen? And how much lore about vampires is true? Are vampires incapable of telling lies? Would eating garlic keep him away? Where would he get his blood if not from me? Did he kill people often?

Maybe I don’t want to know that. I hurry into work, looking forward to getting a boost from the children.

“Aurelia-aaa!” several shout when I walk in. Willie zips over in his wheelchair to greet me, and Shelly

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