The Highlander's Lady Knight (Midsummer Knights #2) - Madeline Martin Page 0,52

ground and came to Cormac’s wounded side.

“Ye shouldna be here,” he growled.

“I see ye’ve called on yer new ally’s aid,” Brodie said from beneath his helm. “I hadna realized Lord Easton harbored such affection for the Sutherland clan.”

Brodie’s injured warrior sat off to the side, gasping and completely ignored by the other warriors who still fought.

“I’ll kill ye both for yer betrayal.” Brodie readjusted the hammer in his hand as one of the men fighting Graham turned away from him and toward Cormac.

“I dinna want ye here,” Cormac said to Isolde. “Go now.”

“Nay.” She hefted the pike in front of her.

“Get Lord Easton away from Sutherland,” Brodie said in a harsh cry as he charged at them.

Suddenly, another warrior was on them as well. Cormac’s arm did not appear to be broken, but neither could he adequately use it, leaving him to swing his mace with only the strength of one arm rather than two. It was a disadvantage that could cost them their lives.

Much as he tried to stop it from happening, Brodie managed to shove him back with rapid, repeated arcs of his war hammer. In doing so, Cormac and Isolde were separated.

Exactly as Brodie had wanted.

One of the brothers swung his hammer at her, catching her in the head and knocking her forcefully to the ground. She did not rise.

“Nay,” Cormac howled.

The two men battling her turned their attention on him. One, he managed to strike with his mace, but not before Brodie could heft Isolde to her feet and race off with her light frame slung over his back.

Cormac bellowed in rage, his body exploding with energy as he struck at his opponent again and again and again. He didn’t stop until the heavy head of the mace sank into the softness of a chainmail-covered body. The Ross warrior in front of him sank to his knees.

Cormac did not wait to see if the man got back up, or for the other man to attack once more. Nay, he sprinted across the field as fast as his chainmail and thick gambeson would allow, heading in the direction he’d seen Brodie take Isolde. He found Brodie on a horse with Isolde’s limp body secured between his arms, racing away.

Frantic, Cormac scanned the area for his horse, unable to find him after having been unhorsed. A lone black destrier stood beside an unmoving knight. Cormac leapt onto the horse and snapped its reins, guiding the beast to follow Brodie.

No matter what it took, Cormac would rescue his wife.


Pain echoed in Isolde’s temples. It rang in her ears with an intensity that slowly brought her to awareness. Darkness surrounded her, and her breath huffed raggedly in her own ears. She shook her head, but the sensation didn’t clear.

Her helm. She still was wearing her helm.

“Why did ye decide to go back on our plan?” Rough hands hauled her upright, and Brodie’s face came into the view of her visor. “We had an arrangement. I’d already set my men into action against yer cursed king. And now ye’ve deprived me of yer sister’s dowry?”

Isolde’s head lolled slightly, and a hollow ache resonated in time with her pulse. She smirked at his reference to her dowry. That was all he had ever wanted. That was all any man had ever wanted.

Except for Cormac.

She glanced around the surrounding area. Was he nearby? Had he been injured?

She saw no one else around them. There were naught but green, open fields, several trees and a nearby hill.

“Are ye even listening to me?” He shoved his meaty hand against her chin, knocking her helm away and unveiling a bright sun.

She squinted against the brilliance as her eyes adjusted, revealing Brodie’s wide-eyed shock.

He stared at her, his mouth hanging open. “Lady Isolde?”

Senses now returned, she shoved away from him. “Unhand me, you cur.”

“Was it ye?” He asked incredulously.

The fresh air swept against her cheeks like heaven but brought the ache in her head to life once more. She winced and took in the small copse of trees nearby. If she could escape into them, she might be able to hide.

They were not far off from the melee, which was discernible by the clashing weapons and shouts of men. She could run toward the melee as well if she was free.

She need only be faster than Brodie.

“Aye.” She glared at him without bothering to hide her disgust and rage. “All this time, it was me. The one who issued the challenge when my brother was too much Copyright 2016 - 2024