A Highlander in a Pickup - Laura Trentham Page 0,99

quarter hour?”

“I’m in the green bedroom. I assume you know where that is?”


After congratulations and goodbyes were made, Iain and his da walked shoulder to shoulder toward the cottage. “Let’s take the cliff path,” his da said.

It was the long way around. Iain quelled his impatience and took the right fork of the path. After ten minutes of brisk walking, the breeze quickened and the inky expanse of the ocean came into view, stretching to the horizon. His da stopped and stared out at the water. Iain joined him.

“Cairndow has been the great love of my life,” his da said.

“I love it too, Da.” It wasn’t a lie.

“Your mum hated it here. She wanted all of us to start a new life in Glasgow together, but … I couldn’t abandon my first love. I insisted you remain with me until she could get on her feet. Looking back, it was selfish of me, but I couldn’t leave Cairndow. Not even for her.”

Iain blinked and reordered his history. “She wanted me?”


“But she never came back to visit.”

“She came back a half dozen times. Things hadn’t turned out like she expected in the big city. I tried to get her to move home, but she had gotten mixed up with some bad people. She knew leaving you with me was the only choice. Eventually, she stopped coming home.”

“She’s dead, isn’t she?” He’d known in his heart she was lost to him forever.

“Not long after you turned three. An overdose. I should have been more bendable for her. I should have been stronger and told you the truth of the matter years ago.” A note he’d never heard weaved through his da’s voice. Regret.

“If you had it to do over, would you have gone with her?”

“Nay. I belong here.” His da heaved a sigh. “But I would have fought harder to make Cairndow a home for her too. Now, what about you?”

“What about me?” Iain shifted his gaze off the water to his da.

“I kept a close watch on you today. I knew something in your heart had changed after you came home, but I couldn’t put my finger on it until today. You love the Maitland woman.”

Iain was tired of denying his heart, even to himself. “Aye, I love her, but there’s nothing to be done about it. I can’t leave Cairndow.”

His da’s jaw worked before he found words. “I didn’t try hard enough to make your mum stay, and I live with the regret every day. When you left for the army, I only wanted one thing: to have you safely back at Cairndow. Now I see, it’s not so simple. While you may be safe, you’re not happy.”

Iain tried to protest, but his da held up a hand. “Only when I saw you with Miss Maitland did I understand the cause.”

“She can’t pick up her life and move to Scotland, Da.” Iain’s voice was thick with conflicting emotions. Surprise, sadness, resignation.

“Nay, I don’t expect she could.” His da clapped him on the shoulder and squeezed. “But you could pick up and move to the States. You’ve never wanted to be Cairndow’s groundskeeper, have you?”

Iain swallowed down the lie that sprang to his lips. He’d come this far. He owed himself and his da the truth. “I haven’t. I love Cairndow and the life you gave me, but I’ve never truly belonged. Even in the short time I was in Highland, I carved a place for myself. The people welcomed me, and I was able to contribute in ways I never dreamed of.”

“And Anna Maitland?”

“Anna feels like home.”

“Then you must win her back, lad. Whatever the cost. Learn from your old da’s mistakes.” His da tilted his head back and sniffed. “I’ve always wanted to see the States.”

His da hated to travel, but he would make the sacrifice to see his son happy. Iain pulled his da into a tight hug, fighting the burn of tears himself. His da had offered him a much-needed benediction.

“Go talk to her, son.” His da broke away.

“I’ll see you to the cottage before I—”

“No. I’ll find my own way, so you can find yours.” His da patted his arm, then walked away, his footing sure on the path he’d treaded hundreds of times.

Only when his da faded into the darkness and out of sight did Iain turn toward the castle. Everything had changed. He was free to follow his heart. Was it too late?

Bypassing the kitchen entrance, he entered through the mudroom door, wanting to

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