A Highland Werewolf Wedding - By Terry Spear Page 0,80

time Cearnach feinted releasing the hose and Dillon loosened his grip to re-situate his teeth for a better hold, Cearnach had pulled the hose free. Elaine was already sopping wet and wiping her eyes. Logan looked on in horror, then he ran back into the drying room and raced out again to give her a clean, dry towel.

She wrung some of the water out from her sweater. She was soaked to the skin, revealing all, which for Cearnach’s consumption was fine. But for the lad, no.

“Logan, why don’t you go up to the keep and ask Lady Julia if she has something dry that Elaine can wear?”

“Aye, I will.” Logan raced through the shower room.

“Walk,” Cearnach warned and shook his head.

“Were you like that at his age?” Elaine asked, her eyes and lips smiling as she wiped the water from her face.

Cearnach chuckled. “And then some. Though I would have helped you to remove your sweater and towel-dried you.”

She laughed, then began washing the mother dog. “Not if a man older than you was watching, and he had some interest in the girl who was more the older guy’s age.”

“It would depend,” he said, joining her, unable to help his feral gaze from roaming over her sexy, wet body.

He finished washing Sheba, then rinsed her off and took her into the drying room. When Elaine joined him, he reached over and shut and locked the door.

Elaine frowned. “Logan can’t get in.”

“That’s the general idea.”

Chapter 20

Elaine eyed Cearnach with intrigue as he secreted her away in the dog kennels’ drying room. Smiling at her with lustful intent, he shifted his gaze to the wet sweater clinging to her breasts. She smiled back at him. “What do you have in mind?”

“Helping to dry you off a wee bit, lass,” he said with a devilish glint in his eyes.

All the dogs were curled up on mats, some of them mostly dry and sleeping, some licking their wet fur, others sitting and watching Cearnach and Elaine, their tails thumping enthusiastically on their beds. Cearnach drew off Elaine’s wet sweater and tossed it on a bench. She felt wickedly exposed as he towel-dried her breasts while warm air from the heater vents swirled around them. The smell of citrus shampoo and wet dog and a couple of wet shifter wolves filled the room.

“You’re nearly as wet as me.” She reached up and touched the damp shirt outlining his hard muscles. Wanting to expose his brawny chest, she’d tugged his shirt barely past his navel before he took charge.

He yanked his shirt off and tossed it on the bench with hers. She picked up another clean towel and ran it over his beautiful pecs and abs—beach-body perfect, making her think of him lying on Pensacola Beach with her, enjoying the sun and surf.

“I’ll never wash the dogs again without thinking of you in that wet sweater, or like this, half naked in the drying room.” He cupped her breasts, then ran his fingers over the extended nipples, taut and sensitive. Her breathing suspended as she gloried in the sweep of his fingers against her flesh. “There’s a room off this one for the person who stays with the dogs when they have new pups. The sheets have been changed since no one’s slept in here for the last month.”

Thank God for that! She could envision pushing a wolfhound off its damp bed to make room for two wolves who wanted to find a soft spot to make love—yuck!—or having to run back to his bedchamber in the castle in wet clothes in the chilly breeze in front of those working on the grounds and inside the stone building. Cearnach kissed her lips gently, then moved her into the room where a twin bed covered with a light blue blanket and comforter sat against a wall, a wooden table and a chair beside it. Shades were pulled closed over the one window, and she noticed a sink and toilet in a half bath off the room.

Just as Cearnach reached for Elaine’s jeans zipper, they heard movement beyond the locked drying-room door. They froze.

“Cearnach, I’ve got the lady’s clothes for her,” Logan said, trying the door to the drying room, the doorknob twisting back and forth. “Cearnach?” Then the lad grumbled under his breath, “She is too your girlfriend.”

Cearnach grinned down at Elaine. “Leave them on one of the dry benches, Logan. You can come back in half an hour and exercise the dogs,” Cearnach said.

Elaine and Cearnach

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