A Highland Werewolf Wedding - By Terry Spear Page 0,73

to a prospective mate.”

“It’s fine,” she said dismissively. She really didn’t care as long as he was part of the scheme.

“Nay, it’s not. It’s a warrior’s haven. You decide how you want to decorate it.”

“The guest room isn’t mine any longer?” she asked, a teasing laugh in her voice.

“Nay, it is not.” He was smiling, but he had a possessively dark tone to his voice. “You belong in my bed. Our bed, now.”

“Hmm,” she said, snuggling closer to him as he walked her through the dining room. “How about purple? Lavender and thistle purple.”

He groaned.

She laughed. “So much for my input on redecorating.”

He chuckled. “Hopefully we can agree on something, but if we can’t, I’ll be man enough to deal with it. Purple sheets, purple floral paintings. As long as you’re wrapped up in the sheets with me, that’s all that matters.”

She sighed. “My room back home is like a garden.”

Brows raised enquiringly, he looked down at her.

She smiled up at him. “Not all floral. But I love plants. So it has green walls, a mural of a garden, and a large window with plants hanging from it.”

His eyes sparkled with humor. “Aye. So we’ll take over the garden room, and that will be our new bedchamber.”

She laughed. “I’m sure your clan would love that.”

“Anything for you, Elaine,” he said, kissing the top of her head.

She knew then he was the right man for her.

When they arrived in the kitchen, the smell of sausage and baked bread still permeated the air, and the room was toasty warm from all the cooking. Heather was talking with Shelley about her poodles. Both quickly turned speculative gazes their way. So much for everyone being off somewhere else, busy with their chores.

“Good morning,” Elaine said, the yummy scents making her stomach growl.

“Morning,” both the ladies said in greeting, smiling broadly.

Elaine suspected they had purposefully hung around to see her and Cearnach. She loved the way they made her feel at home with the pack.

“Anything left to eat?” he asked as he surveyed the kitchen counters.

“I made sure Cook left you both something to eat. You know how she is. If you don’t come down to the meal on time, you fix your own meals. I told her that Elaine was a guest.” Heather looked from Cearnach to Elaine as if she knew Elaine was more than just a guest. “I mentioned to her that you had to rescue her from Flynn half the night. You know how much trouble Flynn’s given Cook.” Heather pulled two plates out of the fridge. “She’s broken so much clay crockery that she’s resorted to plastic.”

“What does he do to her?” Elaine asked, frowning.

“Startles her. She used to scold him something fierce when he stole food from the cellar as a lad. So now he gets her back.”

Elaine glanced at Shelley, but she just shook her head. “He hasn’t bothered me at all. Duncan keeps saying it’s because Flynn knows he’ll do something drastic and Flynn’s spirit will be put to rest. So he’s left me alone.”

“He pesters me,” Heather said. “He used to when we were kids. He still does. Nothing naughty. Just scares me when I’m in the kitchen. He rescued Ian’s mate, Julia. He reacts differently to people, depending on who they are and how he relates to them.”

Elaine hoped now that she was mated with Cearnach, Flynn would leave her alone.

Heather put out silverware for them and Shelley brought them a small pitcher of milk. “Coffee? Tea?” she asked.

“Tea,” Cearnach said, “the Scottish whisky one.”

“Coffee for me, thanks.” Elaine wrinkled her nose at Cearnach. “Scottish whisky tea?”

“It’s made of China tea marinated in Scottish malt whisky,” Heather said. “He can breathe in the rich aroma of the whisky from the freshly brewed tea, but the tea itself is nonalcoholic.”

Cearnach winked at Elaine. “You might try some, lass. They say it grows hair on your chest.”

Shelley and Heather laughed. Cearnach smiled and buttered his bread.

“Ian said you were planning to wash the dogs today, but if you don’t have time…” Heather said.

“I do have time. I planned to do it after Elaine and I had breakfast.” And mated. And talked with her hostile kin.

They both smiled at Elaine, then headed out the kitchen door.

Once the door snapped shut, Elaine let out her breath. “Is it just me who thinks so, or are your clansmen really that interested in what you do with your time?”

He laughed. “Let me put it this way. You’re the first woman I’ve

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