A Highland Werewolf Wedding - By Terry Spear Page 0,7

he had been with her. It was as if they were sparring. Her thorough job of looking was enough to turn up the heat already making his blood sizzle.

“I would have no difficulty changing a tire in or out of my kilt.” He motioned to the car where the rear tires were perfectly deflated. “As you can see, lassie, you ruined two tires. I only have one spare. Now I’m later than before, and you’re driving me to the wedding.”

“I’ll be late for my appointment. You’ll have to call someone else to help you out.”

Ignoring her plans since she’d ruined his own and she owed him, he said, “If I had to wait for assistance, I’d miss the whole ceremony. So you’ll take me to the wedding since my car isn’t going anywhere and you helped to put it there.”

Cearnach decided the only way to make the woman see his position was to escort her to the passenger side of the car and help her in, if she needed the assistance. He was always a gentleman when with women. “Only I’ll be driving so we get there in one piece.”

She balked, glanced down at his legs, frowned, and motioned to his right leg where the top of the handle of his sgian dubh poked out of his kilt hose. “You’re already wearing a dagger.”

“Part of the Highland formal dress.” He bowed his head slightly, his face growing so close to hers that they almost touched.

“I know, but why the big sword also? Expecting to go to war?”

He smiled a little. “Wolves tend to carry on their traditions from long ago. We all carry swords to wolf weddings. It’s… strictly for show.” At least that’s what he hoped it would be. Just like he hoped all the other guests at the wedding would be so attired.

She finally let out her breath but yielded, albeit reluctantly, climbed into the car in a huff, showing off a lot of leg, and quickly yanked her skirt down. She folded her arms and stared up at him as he towered over her, her expression mutinous. “You were driving way too fast. That’s why you ran off the road.”

“You were driving in my lane.”

“There’s only one lane out here,” she retorted, brows lifted, waiting for him to disagree.

He shook his head, knowing he wouldn’t win this argument, then slammed her door. He stalked around to the driver’s side and got in. Despite knowing she was in the wrong—although she was not a local and obviously hadn’t known the rules of the road—he did feel a twinge of regret that she would miss her appointment. Or… date, maybe. She looked as though she intended to meet someone special. Another wolf? Or just a human? Then again, if so, she probably would have called it a date, not an appointment.

He glanced at her as he started the engine. “Where were you going?”

“Senton Castle.”

He pulled onto the road and continued to the church, driving even faster than before. “It’s in ruins.”

“I know that,” she said icily.

“It’s located about a quarter of a mile from here in the opposite direction from the way you were traveling. You must have missed the road that would take you there.” Or she wasn’t really going there and hadn’t wanted him to know where she was truly meeting up with the bloke.

She frowned and looked back over her shoulder as if she could see the road leading to the castle that way. “Great,” she muttered under her breath. Then she folded her arms and glanced down at his kilt. “Is it a Highland wedding?”

“Good guess. We’re in the Highlands and I’m going to a wedding. Aye, it’s a Highland wedding.”

She took a deep, exasperated breath. “I meant is everyone wearing traditional Highland dress at the wedding, or are you the only one who will be dressed like that?” She motioned to his kilt, sounding as though she thought he was being foolish even though she had appeared to like the way he looked when she had given him the once-over.

“Is there something wrong with what I’m wearing?”

This time she smiled. “It’s kind of cute, really.”

“Cute?” He grunted. Sexy as hell, turned on the lassies, definitely eye candy, warrior material. But… cute?

She gave him an elusive smile, and he wondered if she was trying to get a reaction from him. He still wasn’t quite sure about American humor, and he thought she might be teasing him. He hadn’t meant to react so he had to

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