A Highland Werewolf Wedding - By Terry Spear Page 0,55

might, relieved as hell that she wanted him as much as he wanted her. At least he believed so. “Not this time, lass. You’re exhausted. I’ll take you up to your guest chamber. I’m not losing you again.”

The way her sweet body called to his, if she hadn’t been so fatigued, he knew they would do a hell of a lot more than talk. Just a touch and his pheromones were stirring, and so were hers, communicating with one another, saying it was way past time to get on with the more primal—and pleasurable—side of wolf business.

“Are you going to prove to me why I should mate you?” She looked at him with such a sweetly devilish look that he wondered if the wine was doing the talking. Yet the challenge was there again: Prove to me you truly want me. Make it happen.

He decided she was being wholly truthful with him, and he was going to ensure she agreed to a mating… when she was well rested in the morning.

He would prove to her that he meant what he said. He was no damned beta wolf. Nor was he an alpha like Rafferty. He would give her all that she deserved and more.


Unable to help herself, Elaine yawned, then smiled at Cearnach. She could tell he wasn’t sure if she was ready to be his. She wasn’t. Not until she was feeling more clearheaded. “Sorry.”

After that, no holds barred.

“You’re tired, lass. We’ll decide a course of action tomorrow, once you tell me more about this business transaction between you and your cousin Robert Kilpatrick.”

Hoping to come up with a solution for the situation with her cousins after she had a good night’s sleep and she could think more clearly, Elaine agreed.

Gallant man that he was, and without waiting for her to agree, Cearnach slipped his arms underneath Elaine and lifted her. She let out a little gasp of surprise. As wobbly as she felt from drinking too much wine, she didn’t think she could have stumbled all the way to the castle on her own two feet.

Having told Cearnach so much of her past, she felt drained. She didn’t feel cleansed, as she’d thought she might by finally telling him what had happened to her so long ago. She felt weary.

Some of the tiredness was due to the jet lag and the stress of the day; some of it was the wine. She couldn’t believe she wasn’t staying at the bed and breakfast owned by the Kilpatricks and instead was sleeping in a stone castle owned by an enemy clan.

Yet, Cearnach wasn’t the enemy. He was someone who cheered her even when the situation was dire, gave her hope so she felt she had a new lease on life. Odd thing, that. She hadn’t thought about Kelly for a long time now, but returning to Scotland had brought the memories all back.

She gave in to her fatigue and rested her head against Cearnach’s hard chest as he carried her back to the castle—her braw Highland warrior in a soft lamb’s wool sweater and jeans. She felt more than saw a few people stare in their direction as they entered the castle and made their way to the stairs.

Cearnach nodded at a knot of people seated next to the fire that she noticed out of her peripheral vision.

Was Ian there? His mother?

She had never been the focus of so much attention, and it was somewhat overwhelming. Yet on another level, she felt special.

“Sorry,” she said softly again, snuggling closer to Cearnach as he carried her through the castle.

“For what?” He kissed the top of her head and made his way up the stairs.

“For all the grief you’re going to get over having brought me here.”

“I’ve had worse, lass.”

She laughed at him. She had expected him to disagree.

He smiled down at her, but he didn’t say anything, and she let the issue go.

Cearnach carried Elaine into a guest bedchamber where clothes were stacked on top of a light oak dresser for her use. He set her on her feet, but she still felt a little shaky, gripping his arm to keep her balance. The immense bed sitting center stage immediately captured her attention. Surrounding the bed were heavy burgundy curtains made of velvet and embellished with swirls of gold thread. She walked over to the bed and ran her hand over the soft curtains.

Glancing back at him, she witnessed the curve to his mouth, one raised brow, and his arms folded

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