A Highland Werewolf Wedding - By Terry Spear Page 0,42

she felt the whole room would explode.

Shelley quickly joined them and handed Elaine an ice pack. She pressed the cool ice to her cheek while Ian looked to Cearnach to explain.

“Vardon McKinley did it when he tried to hit me. Elaine attempted to stop the fight.” Cearnach stood so close to her that she could feel the heat radiating from his body, reaching out to her, warming her.

Ian’s phone rang. He read the name on the caller ID. Shaking his head, he said to his brothers, “The Kilpatricks.” He set his phone on the desk and didn’t answer it.

They had to know she was here. She felt mixed emotions over that. She was worried about bringing the MacNeill clan into this, although it was her kin’s fault for putting her in this predicament in the first place. And she felt self-righteous satisfaction that after having been so ruthless toward her and Cearnach, the Kilpatricks had lost her to their enemy.

“After what they pulled, we’re not going to just turn her over to them,” Cearnach said, as if he was in charge of the pack and dictating terms.

Ian took a seat at his desk and leaned back in the chair. “She’s their kin. I doubt they plan to harm her.”

“Ha! They’ve already treated her shabbily. What if she had been shot while running as a wolf?”

Ian’s expression turned stormy. “You mentioned nothing of this to me.”

“A sheepherder’s dogs barked until the farmer investigated to see what was disturbing the peace. Oglivie, you know how he is, and another man chased after us in a pickup and tried to shoot us. What if they’d injured Elaine?”

Duncan snorted. “Her kin don’t deserve to have her back.”

She wholeheartedly agreed, but she wasn’t sure Ian wanted to keep her here, which could stir up more trouble between the clans.

Cearnach remained beside Elaine, his fists clenched in anger. “What if they’re furious with her for having been with me? You can’t turn her over to them.”

“I’m not going to. They have to make full restitution of your vehicle and hers. Your clothes, sword, phone, and anything else they took. If they can’t do that right away, she’ll be our honored guest until they do,” Ian said. He looked at Elaine as she stiffened, and she thought his dark expression was a warning. She had brought this trouble to the clan; he was the clan chief and would decide what happened to her.

After Rafferty, no one had dictated what she could do, so she was used to being in charge of her own destiny. She didn’t like anyone thinking he could tell her what to do.

Ian’s phone rang again, and this time after he looked at the caller ID, he shook his head. “The McKinleys.” He set his phone back down on the desk. “They can stew overnight about what they did to the lass and Cearnach. Guthrie, make sure the place is locked up tight. Next time they see her, they can show their kin a wee bit more Scottish hospitality.”

“Aye, Ian.” Guthrie hurried out of the room to take care of the task.

“Elaine and I need to have dinner.” Cearnach slipped his hand around her arm. “I’ll get us something to eat.”

“You don’t cook,” Ian reminded him. Though his brother’s tone was dark, Cearnach thought he heard a hint of amusement in his voice.

Cearnach gave him a small smile. “Maybe I can manage a pizza. Or…” He sniffed the air. “Maybe Cook’s got some of that lamb stew left.”

“The way this clan eats, I doubt it,” Duncan said.

“Then I can take her to Scot’s pub.”

“Not without an armed escort. Call ahead and clear out the place before we arrive,” Duncan suggested.

Cearnach was thinking of a quiet dinner for two. Just Elaine and him where they could discuss what they would do next. Not a mob scene with his clansmen watching over them.

“Did the rest of you not eat already?” Cearnach asked. At this late hour, he knew they had.

Ian and Duncan glanced at each other and looked as though they finally got the message.

Julia and Duncan’s mate, Shelley, smiled. His aunt and mother didn’t look pleased.

“Cearnach,” his mother said, her brow furrowed, “a word with you.”

When he hesitated, fairly sure she would lecture him about getting involved with his enemy’s kin, he couldn’t believe it when she said, “Please.”

It was the first time he’d ever heard his mother say the word, and he knew everyone present was just as shocked.

“I’ll take Elaine down to the

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