A Highland Werewolf Wedding - By Terry Spear Page 0,34

chance to speak.

“Your brother came to my wedding.” Baird acted like that was a reason to wage war in and of itself.

“He stole your bride?” Duncan asked, as though he assumed such and approved. “Time-honored tradition.”

Cearnach had never considered that the pack might have believed that. Now with Baird here, his actions made it appear that way. Cearnach couldn’t believe Duncan was defending him for stealing Baird’s bride. The pack must have thought Cearnach was off somewhere with Calla consummating the mating! He had to set his family straight as soon as he was able.

Elaine bumped his cheek in a playful manner as if amused that his kin thought he was off mating Calla when she was only supposed to be a friend. He licked her back, wanting to tell her that he wanted her, and not Calla. For a second, he closed his mouth and quit panting. He hadn’t meant to be so obvious so soon in their relationship.

For a moment, his and Elaine’s gazes locked, alpha to alpha in a purely wolfish way. She knew what he was thinking just as he knew her own thoughts and desires. Humans would look away from such a gaze if they didn’t know each other well, the eye-to-eye contact too intimate between a man and woman who had just met, unless they were having a bit of conversation and wanted to show their interest in the topic.

Wolves didn’t break eye contact that easily if they were attracted, regarding each other, or reading each other. It wasn’t just their mutual gazes, but the special scents they gave off that told how fascinated they were. Both breathed in deeply to learn what the other was feeling, as if the men having a confrontation in front of the castle gates suddenly didn’t exist.

Baird kicked at the gravel in a frustrated manner, catching Cearnach and Elaine’s attention again. He scowled, but before he could respond, Robert raised his hand in a motion that said they’d come in peace. “We’re here because…” Robert paused, looking as though he was weighing his options: tell the truth or draw this out a little longer. “Hell, he’s stolen my cousin,” he growled.

Elaine again began to move toward the driveway, growling softly. For a moment, she appeared ready to show Robert what she thought of him in a purely wolf demonstration.

Cearnach quickly moved in front of her, blocking her. She didn’t growl at him or act annoyed. Instead, she nudged his cheek with her nose as if to say she wasn’t going to confront her cousin over his lies, even though she wanted to. Cearnach could envision her racing up to Robert, her beautiful wolf teeth bared, and him falling back, shocked out of his human skin. As a wolf, he wouldn’t be as easily intimidated. In his human form, Robert wouldn’t stand up to her half as well. Not as alpha as she was.

Duncan stared at Robert for a moment as if he was processing that new turn of events, then suddenly burst out laughing. “Your cousin? You have five male cousins. Which one did Cearnach take a fancy to?”

The other men standing beside Duncan looked like they were trying to hold straight faces but were barely managing.

“Elaine Hawthorn. We want her turned over now,” Robert said, not in the least amused.

“There’s no one here by that name. My brother hasn’t returned. If you’ve harmed him in any way…” Duncan said, offering the threat but not finishing what he was going to say.

Robert glanced at Baird, who nodded in agreement.

“All right, so she’s not at Argent Castle right now. But if she comes here, call me. I’ll pick her up.” Robert’s voice was forceful but worried now.

“Why… if she’s your cousin… would she come here?” Duncan asked, his expression darkening. “Is she with Cearnach? Did you threaten them?”

Baird said, “You tell Cearnach for me that if he comes near Calla ever again, he’s a dead wolf.” He got back in the car and slammed the door.

Robert let out his breath. “Elaine Hawthorn is our cousin. I want her returned at once, should she come here.” Then he climbed into the driver’s seat, slammed his door, and drove into the turnaround built especially for tourists who thought they could visit the pretty castle without invitation—not that any tourist was ever invited to visit. Once Robert was headed toward the main road, he sped off, spitting gravel in his wake.

“Hell, what was that all about?” Cearnach’s cousin shouted from the tower.


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