A Highland Werewolf Wedding - By Terry Spear Page 0,102

told you,” Rafferty said.

“To save you, lass. Cearnach is busy.” Flynn unsheathed a sword, but she didn’t hear the telltale swishing sound of metal pulling from the leather scabbard. That was because there could be no sound. His sword and scabbard were as much apparitions as he was. He sliced the sword through Rafferty, but it had no effect on the man.

“Do you know if Calla is safe?”

The ghost frowned. “Nay, lass.”

Rafferty took another step forward, stretching his hand out to grab her wrist. “I’m here because you mated with me and you belong to me. We could go together to the car with my arm securely around your neck, threatening to choke you to death if you don’t go peaceably. You know I don’t make idle threats.”

No, he didn’t.

She whipped around and unlocked the door. Her heart was beating as if it was trying to get out of her chest, but she couldn’t breathe.

She yanked the door open. Saw the mayhem in the bailey. The fighting and snarling wolves. Saw Cearnach sword-fighting with a man she didn’t know. Heard the dogs barking even louder behind her now. Knew she’d never see any of them again.

If only Rafferty had died long ago.

She bolted for the car, the driver’s door still open, and jumped in, jerking the door shut before Rafferty in the form of a wolf tried to join her. His body slammed into the door with a loud thump.

Keys in the ignition, she flipped the engine on and jerked the steering wheel to the left, turning hard until she’d maneuvered through the battling men and wolves. She saw Cearnach glance up from where he was fighting, saw the look of horror on his face, his sword lowered in his hand, watched his brothers look in her direction with disbelief, and that blasted Kelly Rafferty racing after her in wolf form.

He’d never catch up to her. Ever again.

Not if she could help it.

Then she saw Cearnach running for the garage. “No, Cearnach!” she shouted from the car. Tears trailed down her cheeks.

She wanted to die.

Chapter 26

Cearnach was so angry that he could barely think straight except for the need to go after Elaine. What in the world was she doing? He’d thought she’d be safe in the kennels. He knew he’d been wrong when he saw the wolf racing out of the building after her and Elaine heading for her car. At first, he’d been stunned. He thought she meant to get into the car for protection, lock the doors, and stay there until he could kill the wolf.

When she drove off, he couldn’t figure out what was going through her head.

“Elaine,” he said, half groaning her name.

Duncan was right behind him, his boots tromping against the pavers. Out of his peripheral vision, Cearnach saw Guthrie headed for another car.

“Where the hell is she going?” Duncan yelled.

“Damned if I know,” Cearnach said, climbing into the car and slamming the door.

As soon as Duncan shut his door, Cearnach tore out of the garage, men and wolves scattering to get out of his path.

The wolves and men from the enemy clan took off toward the gate, escaping, as if they’d finally gotten what they’d wanted: Elaine beyond the protective walls surrounding the keep.

“She can’t believe that her leaving will stop the fighting.” Actually it had, damn it, but how could she believe they couldn’t deal with her kin in a satisfactory manner?

“Did you recognize the wolf who was in the kennels with her?” Cearnach asked, unable to suppress his anger and concern.

In the rearview mirror, he saw Guthrie barreling down the drive after him and Ian giving orders in the inner bailey, waving his hands, red-faced and angry. Not at his brothers. He knew they’d do whatever was right to bring Elaine back to the pack. Ian was furious with her kin for attacking them at Argent Castle.

“He wasn’t any of the McKinleys or Kilpatricks,” Duncan warned. “He’d been in her rental car. I smelled his scent when I opened the door and took a good whiff. I smelled him again when he ran past me to get to her. Worse?”

Cearnach glanced at his brother.

“He’s the wolf who’s been living in her keep.”

“Why? Who the hell is he?”

“A henchman of her clansmen?” Duncan guessed.

Cearnach shook his head. “It’s personal between Elaine and him. Whoever he was, he forced her to run. Now she’s beyond the keep and beyond our protection.” He mulled the situation over further, but he couldn’t come up with

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