Highland Escape - Cathy MacRae Page 0,66

things Duncan would not think to notice.

Nessa, he is broad of shoulder, has a strong jaw, and stands as tall as Duncan. He is a youth, but moves with confidence and strength. I see kindness in his eyes, and when he speaks, he is thoughtful and gives sound answers. He looks to be a good man. Mayhap good enough for you.

Blaine pulled her into the conversation. “Ye must be the lass I have heard so much of since last night.” He bowed politely.

Duncan nodded. “Aye. This is Anna of clan MacGregor, my sister’s Curaidh, her champion.”

Blaine’s eyebrows rose at the title, his smile growing wider. Duncan quickly explained her relationship with the clan and with Nessa.

To his credit, Blaine responded, “I look forward to the opportunity to earn yer respect in the future, milady.”

She smiled, hearing both the sincerity and playfulness in his tone. “As do I, Sir Blaine.”

Blaine took his leave, clasping Duncan’s arm and bowing to her with a smile. Duncan took the opportunity to pull the laird aside and ask about a rider for the missive. As he explained the details, the laird’s face grew hard, then softened into understanding. The laird motioned for Anna to come closer.

“The least I can offer is to see this important message delivered. I am honored to have the opportunity to repay some of what ye have done for us. Whether ye wear the MacGregor plaide or nae, ye will always be welcomed here.”

She bowed her head. “Thank you for your generosity, Laird.” She moved to where Iain and Malcolm waited, a gamboling Trean waiting impatiently for her in the wagon. Iain quietly slipped her sgian dubh into place on her belt. She quirked a brow in question. He gave a brief nod.

After a few more minutes of conversation, they bid the Grahams farewell. Anna endured the wolf pup’s enthusiastic greeting with a grin, scarcely able to keep his round body from spilling from her arms as he licked her face. She tucked him in front of her in the saddle and he settled in to his accustomed spot, watching the surrounding scenery go by.

They left the village in silence, Liam’s soft singing to the horses the only sound. Anna broached the subject most on her mind. “Is Blaine to be wed to Nessa?”

“What did ye think of him?” Duncan countered.

She gave him her opinion based on her slight observation.

“Aye, ’tis how I see it also. ’Tis something Da considers. Strengthen existing alliances or form a new one. There are strategic benefits. Ye saw the size of their clan. There are mutual benefits regular trade would provide. They have a large number of warriors and would be a powerful ally. If the laird were to ask for yer counsel, what would ye advise?”

“I would not offer advice beyond getting to know Blaine and his clan better. Perhaps an invitation to host him a month or more would be in order. I would need firm evidence Nessa would be happy and well cared for before I agreed to any marriage for her.”

“Exactly what I would have expected from Nessa’s Curaidh,” Duncan replied. Several of the men nodded agreement.

She smiled at the title. “Among other things, Duncan MacGregor, I am most assuredly that. Any man who would not treat her in the manner she deserves would welcome death before I finished with him.” Anna surprised herself with the passion of her words.

“I pity the man who would invite such,” Iain added with a grin stretching across his face.

The men laughed at Iain’s declaration, and a peaceful camaraderie settled over the group. Anna glanced at Trean’s small, furry form tucked before her. She hadn’t spent much time with him the past two days, though Liam assured her the stable boys had taken turns feeding and playing with the young wolf, winning his affection. The pup seemed happy to be back with her, continually nuzzling and licking her hands.

Anna sighed, watching the others as they exchanged stories and laughter, their moods light as they anticipated their arrival home. She canted an eye toward the clear sky. Was it too much to ask for an uneventful trip home?

Chapter 17

Toward the end of the day, the MacGregor party stopped to camp by a stream. Anna and Duncan made a fish trap out of tree limbs with Donnan’s assistance, and caught enough trout for supper. While supper was readied, Anna demonstrated a few joint locks and throws to the men, explaining each. Every time she executed a throw

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