Highland Escape - Cathy MacRae Page 0,28

to undermine her mistrust?

Anna’s injuries healed during the next fortnight, both physically and emotionally. Her routine settled into a pleasant one full of stories and dreams with Nessa and Isla, and afternoons with Mairi as often as she could spare them. Anna found herself seamlessly accepted into the women’s groups and wondered at her transformation.

A knock on the door midmorning interrupted the girls’ lively discussion of English nobles. Glancing up, Anna saw Duncan standing in the doorway.

“Are ye well, Lady Anna?”

A sense of uneasiness stole over her as Duncan’s appearance disrupted the one place she’d felt safe since arriving at Ciardun.

“I do not think it wise to use that name, sir. I would prefer Anna, of clan Elliot.”

“Very well, Anna, of clan Elliot, how do ye feel today?”

She put on an emotionless mask. “Well enough. To what do we owe the honor of your visit, sir?”

“There is someone who is quite anxious to see ye.”

Surprise betrayed her featureless guise. “Who could possibly wish to see me?”

Duncan’s grin was smug as he held out a hand for her. “Come see.”

Remembering the last time she touched him, Anna ignored his outstretched hand. She walked into the hallway, pausing for him to lead. He led her out the front door of the keep, where her best friend in the world stood waiting.

“Orion,” she whispered. He whinnied and ambled over to her, nuzzling his velvet nose against her neck. Closing her eyes, Anna breathed in his smell as his breath warmed her skin, a feeling of pure joy flooding her soul. She stroked his long face, pausing at the white star on his forehead, the inspiration for his name. Duncan shrugged.

“He has been quite unapproachable. I assumed ’twas because he longed for his mistress.”

After a few minutes of their comforting exchange, she looked up. “Thank you, sir. Orion is all I have left.”

He tilted his head, furrowing his brow as if to argue, then thought better of it. “I wondered if ye felt up to a ride and tour of the village. Ye must be weary of being stuck in my sister’s room.” They strolled toward the stables near the front gate, Orion lumbering alongside.

Anna frowned. “I doubt I could stand anything more than a gentle walk. I still suffer headaches if jarred.”

“Aye, a gentle walk then. Since he has seen ye, I doubt he will allow us to put him away without at least spending some time with ye. I would not put it past him to follow ye upstairs.”

She tried unsuccessfully not to chuckle at the image, but his words were too potent. To hide her amusement, she saddled her horse, falling easily into the familiar routine. Duncan tacked a beautiful bay gelding, whistling as he worked. Anna noticed that, while quite lovely, the horses in the laird’s stable did not meet Orion’s standards. Not surprising, as he cost her father a small fortune a few years ago. They’d spent a sizeable amount of time looking for the right combination of size, temperament and bloodline. Duncan cast Orion more than one look of admiration.

“One of my responsibilities is overseeing the acquisition, training and breeding of our horses. I am quite certain I havenae seen a horse as fine as yers. Would ye be opposed to allowing him to sire on a few choice mares?”

She laughed out loud at his request. “You presume much, sir. I should be fit to ride in a few days. Unless you have a lady ready now, that does not leave much time. Though I doubt Orion would mind overly much.”

A scowl settled across Duncan’s face. “Call me Duncan, please. Are ye not taking my da up on his offer, then?”

Her humor fled with his question. She remained undecided. Part of her wanted to rage over the treatment she’d received earlier. The other part of her realized she had nowhere else to go. Though still somewhat angry, she’d experienced real contentment these past days.

Nessa looked to her as a hero, the older sister she’d always wanted. Anna had never single-handedly saved someone’s life before. They shared a bond not easily broken, their connection strengthened every day. It would be painful not to have Nessa in her life any longer. Soul-weary of loss, she didn’t want to face it again so soon.

It was unlike her to waver. She’d always been so resolute in her decision-making. An ache of longing for guidance from her father and Master Zhang swept over her. She would even settle for Edrick’s advice,

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