Highland Escape - Cathy MacRae Page 0,100

MacGregor, ye attack us all.”

Exhausted, she staggered behind Liam as they headed toward the lairds. In the darkness, Anna couldn’t see the rocks, and her bare feet suffered for it. She was past caring, and a little more pain made no difference. She heard her name spoken as others recognized her, some offering thanks for her escape. Anna was about to tell Liam she had to stop to rest when she spotted her betrothed seated on his bay horse.

“Duncan.” Though it was barely a whisper, he swiveled in her direction. Before her next step, he held her in his arms.

“Thank the saints, Anna. I thought I had lost ye.”

The warmth of his breath brought comfort as he buried his face in her hair. But the weight of the past sennight caught up with her and she shook uncontrollably, clutching him as if her life depended on the contact. He brushed her hair back, his fingers grazing her wound. She winced.

“Ye are hurt.” His expression of relief twisted into angered concern. He pulled her closer to examine the poorly stitched gash in her head, uttering a curse when she flinched as he touched her ribs.

Tears streamed down Anna’s cheeks, drowning her attempt at a brave smile. She remembered what he’d called her the day she’d left. If he thought it then, what must he think now after spending days—and nights—in MacNairn’s dishonorable care?

Taking her by the hand, he led her away from the front line. She managed only a few wobbled steps before he swept her into his arms. Carrying her to a large tent many yards behind the rear of the formation, he lowered her onto a pallet, calling for food and drink. Someone brought a water skin, bread and cheese.

MacGregor entered, followed by her grandfather and a strong-looking older man she had not seen before.

“Anna, thank the heavens ye are safe.” Morey Elliot addressed her first, squatting on the floor by her side. Seeing her wound in the lantern light, he asked, “How fare ye?”

“I am feverish, fear—fear my wound is infected.” Still shaking, she fought back tears.

“Anna, this is Aeneas Stewart, Mairi’s father, my father-by-marriage,” Kenneth told her, introducing her to the older man.

The Stewart smiled warmly and nodded. “I see ye are as strong and brave a lass as my grandson tells me.”

They waited patiently for Anna to gather herself before pressing for information. After taking a few drinks of water and a few bites of bread, she took as deep a breath as her injured ribs allowed and recounted what she could remember. Much of it was muddled, particularly her memories of when things happened. She had no idea how many days she’d been in MacNairn’s grasp. As she described what the beast intended, Duncan stood abruptly, hands curling into fists as he paced the small space of the tent.

Anna knew better than to try to calm him, so she continued her tale. As she came to the point where MacNairn tried to take her, Duncan stiffened, his eyes closed. Mutters and gestures of disbelief filled the tent when she described how she killed the vile man. She quickly finished her story.

“’Tis my Sprite, for certain. More strength and courage than a tower full o’ those bastards!” Elliot exclaimed as he hugged her gently.

Anna’s body shook. She gazed at Duncan, hoping to draw from his strength. Moving to her side, he carefully cradled her in his arms, muttering tender words in her ear. She didn’t know why he comforted her, only that he did.

She knew it wouldn’t last. Couldn’t. She wanted to relish every moment before he acknowledged her ruined. For all he knew, she’d been taken while unconscious, even though she knew she had not. Breathing in his scent, the feel of his arms around her, Anna let them imprint on her mind for when he would let her go. It would have to be enough. She knew with a certainty as strong as the mountains before her that she would never love another man like she did this one. Though he offered her kindness now, Anna knew he could no longer want her.

Her grandfather kissed her forehead and followed MacGregor out of the tent, the Stewart laird on their heels. Closing her eyes, she focused on the man whose arms surrounded her. She used his warmth to push back the fear and shock. After a while, she realized he’d not moved at all. Had the reality of events finally sunk in for him? Would

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