Highball Rush (Bootleg Springs #6) - Claire Kingsley Page 0,94

turned seductive, then became downright dirty. He leaned over the table and described a long list of things he planned on doing to her as soon as he had the chance. Just reading the dialogue made my heart pump.

The female character got up and made her way to the ladies’ room. A minute later, her date joined her. I tracked the words faster now, the scene getting intense. Clothes being taken off, piece by piece, each article exposing new areas of skin to be touched and kissed. Low murmurs and sexy growls, neither of them seeming to care that they could be caught at any moment.

I kept reading, feeling my cheeks flush and everything below the waist tingle. The couple in the book started having sex. Their positioning seemed unlikely, if not impossible, but it was written so convincingly, I was transported to that posh bathroom with marble tile and wide mirrors. I could see it all. The way he maneuvered her body into previously unknown positions that allowed him to drive his abnormally large penis deep inside her. Her blissful pleasure as he gave her the most amazing, intense, and all-encompassing orgasm of her life.

And it didn’t end there. A waitress opened the door, but the salacious couple didn’t stop. Despite being seen, and the startled waitress staying to watch, they continued their breathtaking foray into sexual exploration.

In real life, I had no desire for someone to watch me have sex. But I was captivated by this riveting scene in which two people overcome with sexual desire threw off their inhibitions and participated in a symphony of dirty talk, and even dirtier actions, resulting in multiple orgasms—including a masturbatory climax for the watching waitress.

I’d spent my adult life working in the music industry. I’d toured with rock stars. I’d walked in on more than my fair share of people having sex. Sometimes in odd places, or with more than two participants. But I’d never seen—or done—anything like what I’d just read.

Letting out a long breath, I closed the book. I was warm, the pressure between my legs making me want to squirm in my chair.

The discussion continued, and it turned out the book had a lot more than vibrantly-written erotic sex. The plot sounded engaging, and everyone talked about how much they swooned over the romantic ending. The epilogue was a favorite, apparently including some extremely arousing sexual exploits on a couch, which the ladies in my circle agreed were worth trying at least once. Except Dixie—she and Clyde preferred to keep it basic so neither of them broke a hip.

Nadine stood and called for everyone’s attention again. “Ladies, we’re almost out of time. Before y’all go, don’t forget we have a recipe-sharing circle online with plenty of libido-enhancing meals and ingredients. EmmaLeigh was kind enough to add her write-up on five ways to get your man aroused when he’s tired. And I think we can all agree that Scarlett’s contribution last week on the topic of oral activities was enlightening, so we’ve put a short summary there for you as well.”

June rose from her seat. “The next book is already posted on the website, and is available in both ebook and paperback formats. Piper has once again ordered extra copies from neighboring libraries to meet the demand. And if you’d like to read similar books by comparable authors, there’s a list for your reference. Any questions?”

Dolores, an elderly woman with a wispy gray bun, raised her hand.

“No, Dolores, you cannot spike Murray’s food with extra Viagra,” Nadine said before the woman could speak.

Dolores lowered her arm with a scowl.

“Thank you for attending,” June said.

“And enjoy those orgasms,” someone said from the back.

Her exclamation was met with whoops and hollers around the room.

“It’s hot, right?” Shelby asked, pointing at my Kindle.

I nodded, still feeling a little shell-shocked. “I had no idea.”

“Read the rest and you’ll be hooked,” she said with a little grin. “Just plan on Gibson being overwhelmed by your enthusiasm at first. It happens to all of them. Jonah adjusted and now…” She sighed heavily, fanning herself. “So amazing. You’ll both be very happy. Trust me.”

I helped the women clean up and, at Nadine’s urging, packed a plate full of food to bring back to Gibson. George put away chairs and tables, casting adoring looks at June. They sure seemed happy. In fact, all the women in attendance had smiles on their faces.

They looked good. Vibrant and alive, even the older ladies. I wondered if it was

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