Highball Rush (Bootleg Springs #6) - Claire Kingsley Page 0,62



“That’s all you’re gonna say?” Scarlett asked. “Sure?”

I laughed. “I don’t stay in one place very long, so yes, I’ve had flings with guys. Some were musicians. A couple were famous. Or they’re famous now. They weren’t when I was with them.”

“Have you ever gotten serious with one of them?” Shelby asked.

“Not really. Like I said, I don’t stay in one place. Long-distance is hard, especially in this business. I never wanted to get attached.”

Shelby regarded me with interest, and I wondered what she was thinking.

“Sounds like someone else I know,” Scarlett said, giving Shelby a pointed look.

“You never know,” Shelby said. “Maybe things will change.”

Scarlett looked me up and down and I got the distinct impression that she was sizing me up as a potential match for her brother.

I didn’t want either of them getting the wrong idea. I made sure to keep my voice quiet. “We’re just friends, ladies. This whole Gibson’s girlfriend thing is just a story.”

“Uh huh,” Scarlett said.

“Trust me,” I said. “He’s not interested.”

“He’s just too damn stubborn for his own good,” Scarlett said. “It’s a solid Bodine trait.”

“She’s not wrong,” Shelby said.

I glanced at the door as it opened again and felt a sudden rush of irritation. Misty Lynn Prosser came in, dressed in a bright pink tank top over a leopard print bra, with cut-off jeans so short they were basically underwear. Her bleached blond hair was teased high and she snapped a piece of gum between her teeth.

“Oh, lovely,” Scarlett muttered, rolling her eyes. “Don’t make eye contact. Maybe it’ll go away.”

Shelby snickered behind her hand.

Misty Lynn’s gaze swept the café, then landed on me. Her eyes narrowed and her gum chewing slowed. She sauntered over to our table and put her hands on her hips. “Hey, y’all.”

“What a shame, our table’s full up,” Scarlett said, her tone full of mock sweetness. “Guess you’ll have to be on your way.”

Misty Lynn glared at Scarlett, then turned her attention on me. “So you’re the famous Maya.”

“And you must be Misty Lynn.”

Her eyes traced up and down my face and for a second, I wondered if she’d recognize me. “I’ve heard so much about you.”

I gave her a fake smile. “And I’ve heard plenty about you.”

She snapped her gum. “Really. Well, I hope you enjoy your little moment with Gibson. It won’t last.”

“What’s it to you?” Scarlett asked. “My brother has made it very clear how he feels about you.”

“This ain’t about you, Scarlett,” Misty Lynn said with a sneer.

Scarlett started to stand up, but I put a hand on her arm to stop her.

“It’s all right.” I met Misty Lynn’s eyes. “She’s not worth the trouble.”

Misty Lynn gaped at me. I stood, slowly, like I wasn’t in any rush whatsoever. Shelby and Scarlett followed while Cash got up and stretched. We were done with our tea anyway, and despite what I’d just said, I had an overwhelming urge to punch Misty Lynn in the teeth. I figured I was better off walking away than starting a cat fight in a coffee shop.

Scarlett gave her a dramatic eye roll and Shelby clicked her tongue for Billy Ray to follow, his leash in her hands.

I tugged on Cash’s leash and walked past Misty Lynn, but paused just before I got to the door and glanced over my shoulder. “I’ll tell Gibson you said hi.”

Misty Lynn ground her teeth together and her face flushed pink. I didn’t wait to see if she’d reply. Just swept out the door with a little toss of my hair, Cash right on my heels.

“Oh my god, that woman makes me furious,” Scarlett said when we got outside.

Shelby nodded. “She’s the worst.”

“She’ll get what’s coming to her,” I said. “People like that always do.”

We started walking down the street, heading toward the lake. Cash got excited, pulling on the leash. Billy Ray tried to outrun him, but Shelby and I reined them in.

“Punching her in the nose is still one of the highlights of my life,” Scarlett said wistfully.

“You punched her in the nose?” I asked.

“Sure did. Bootleg Justice.”

I tucked my hair behind my ear as we walked. Bootleg Justice. God, I loved this place. “Apparently it wasn’t enough.”

“She deserves worse for everything she’s done,” Scarlett said. “I don’t understand why she can’t get over my brother. He didn’t even date her for very long.”

“And wasn’t it years ago?” Shelby asked.

“Yep. He’s told her, right to her face, that he’s never giving her the time of day again. Dumbass can’t figure

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