Highball Rush (Bootleg Springs #6) - Claire Kingsley Page 0,126

little grin. “I think the highlight was when we found out Devlin got Scarlett’s name tattooed on his ass and the artist spelled it wrong.”

“I regret everything about that, especially telling you assholes,” Devlin said.

“How could you regret everything about your cute little butt tattoo?” Scarlett asked. “It says my name on a rose.”

“Oh god, there’s a flower too?” Bowie asked. “That’s more information about Devlin’s ass than any of us needed.”

Devlin pointed at me with his beer. “Gibson brought it up.”

“You’re the one who lost the bet,” Scarlett said, crossing her arms. “It ain’t right for you to complain about it now.”

Callie laughed. “Who’d you lose a bet to?”

Scarlett grinned, looking proud. “Me, of course.”

“Can we stop talking about my ass, please?” Devlin asked.

“If you’re going to have to live with your future wife’s name permanently misspelled on your body, at least it’s on your posterior,” June said. “Very few people will see it.”

“Until we pants you next time we’re all at the rusty reef,” Jameson said.

“You’re all assholes,” Devlin said, but he was trying to hide a grin.

He knew my brothers were fucking with him. Mostly.

Best of all, Callie was perking up.

“Is her name really spelled wrong?” she asked.

“Yeah,” Devlin said with a roll of his eyes. “The guy spelled it with an i-t-t, not e-t-t.”

Scarlett went for his waistband. “Here, look—”

“Don’t take my pants off,” Devlin said with a hearty laugh, twisting so she couldn’t drop his drawers.

“I was just going to show her that it isn’t really that bad. At first glance, you can’t even tell. And the rose is real pretty.”

Callie covered her mouth to stifle a laugh. “That’s okay, I don’t need to see it. I was just going to tell you, I know a tattoo artist who does incredible work. I bet he could fix it for you. He’s up in Blue Moon, but it would be worth the drive.”

“Thanks, May—I mean, Callie,” Devlin said. “I guess we can call you by your real name now.”

She smiled. “Yeah. It feels good. Like I can be me again. Although that reminds me, I have no idea how I’m going to explain this to my boss.”

“You should invite him out here to visit,” Scarlett said. “Introduce him around town. I bet it’ll help clear things up.”

“She makes a good point,” Cassidy said. “Bootleg Springs is a place that needs to be experienced to be understood.”

“That’s actually a good idea. I know he’d love to meet you.” She poked my chest.

“He won’t try to talk me into some record deal, will he?”

Callie ran her hand down my chest. “He might nudge you a little, but he won’t push hard. He’s a man who knows how to take no for an answer and not let it hurt his ego.”

“I hate him less already.”

She laughed and I pulled her against me. Wrapped my arms around her. I kissed the top of her head and held her close.

“I don’t care what happens, I wouldn’t trade this for anything,” I said quietly. “Before you, my life wasn’t much. Now I have everything. And you can be damn sure I’m gonna fight to keep it.”

Slipping her arms around my waist, she rested her head against my chest and took a deep breath. “I love you so much, Gibson Bodine.”

“I love you too, Callie. Everything’s gonna turn out okay. I promise.”



The mood in the Brunch Club was serious, despite the stack of bacon and egg pastries on the table. I sat near the back with a wall of men blocking my view of most of the cute little restaurant. George, Devlin, Jameson, Jonah, Bowie, Buck, Sonny Fullson, Nash, and Jimmy Bob Prosser all stood in a curved row, partially surrounding my table while we waited for my press conference.

Jenny sat with me, alternately giving my hand, then Gibson’s, reassuring squeezes. Like she couldn’t help momming on us both. I appreciated it. And the sweetest thing was, I could tell Gibson did, too. He didn’t let many people touch him—other than me and our dog—but he let her. He didn’t pull away or glare at her, or cross his arms so she couldn’t reach his hand. He left it sitting out, like he was inviting her to keep loving on him a little.

It made me love both of them even more.

The Bodine’s family lawyer, Jayme, tapped the toe of her stiletto. She stood with arms crossed, her attention on her phone. She was sleek and intimidating in her black pantsuit. Although she wasn’t

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