Highball Rush (Bootleg Springs #6) - Claire Kingsley Page 0,106

going,” I said. I wanted to watch him make himself hard.

He stroked a little faster and his cock quickly hardened. His abs flexed and he squeezed my ass with his other hand.

“You like that, baby?” he asked, still stroking himself.

“Yeah,” I breathed. “That’s so hot.”

“How about this?” He slid his hand to the base of his shaft and scooted closer to me. Then he rubbed the tip up and down my slit.

I moaned at the feel of him rubbing himself all over me. “That’s good.”

Focusing the tip right over my clit, he rubbed it up and down fast. “Holy fuck, this looks good.”

Pressure built again as he teased my clit with his cock. I rocked my hips back, seeking more. The friction was good, but I needed to feel him filling me.

“Gibson,” I whimpered.

“Yeah, baby?”

“Gibson, please.”

“You want this?”

I looked over my shoulder and he stroked his cock again. Fast, this time, like he was serious. His abs were tight, his chest glistening with sweat. He groaned, his jaw clenched, as he rubbed his hard length, his fist moving up and down his thick shaft.

“You better put that cock inside me,” I said.

“Yeah?” he asked, still stroking hard.

I rocked backward. “Now, Gibs.”

Grabbing my hips, he shoved his cock into my soaking wet pussy. I cried out at the sudden pressure—the agonizingly sweet feeling of his thickness inside me. Two hard thrusts and my inner muscles danced, vibrating with tension.

He smacked my ass check with a sharp crack. I arched harder, the sting of it driving me crazy. One more smack and I laughed. Safe in Gibson’s bedroom, I was uninhibited and free. I loved the way he made me feel deliciously dirty in all the best ways.

“I’m gonna come so hard in you, baby,” he growled. “This pussy feels fucking amazing.”

His grip on my hips tightened and he thrust harder. I fisted the sheets, breathing hard, relishing the way he fucked me like this. Like I could take it. He didn’t treat me like I was broken. He loved me like I was whole and strong enough to handle him.

I loved it.

The heady rush of a second orgasm hit me like fireworks. He grunted hard and drove in deep while my pussy pulsed around him. I felt his cock throb as he emptied himself into me. Groaning, thrusting hard, both of us lost in this moment. In each other. In the intense physical expression of everything we felt.

When he finished, he slipped out and let go of my hips. I collapsed onto the bed, breathing hard.

“I don’t think I can move,” I said, my face in the sheets.

He toppled over next to me and slid his hand around my waist. Hauled me against him. “Then just stay right here, love.”

We lay together, completely spent, catching our breath. His sweat mingled with mine and he peppered my ear and neck with gentle kisses.

It was everything I needed. He was everything I needed. I was sated, content, and so in love.



Saturday afternoon, we sat out on the back porch steps, side by side. Gibson idly tossed a ball for Cash—his fenced-in area was working out great—and listened to the birds sing.

Without a pressing need to go anywhere, we’d spent the day at home. We didn’t know what we were going to do if Lee Williams stuck around, or if he started poking around enough to come out here. For now, he had an entire town watching his every move, and he had no idea they were doing it.

Gibson’s phone buzzed and he gave it the side eye for a moment before checking.

“Huh. Henrietta’s got something trapped in her cabin again.”

“Henrietta? The woman who doesn’t speak?”

He nodded and stood. “She says it’s a bear, but it’s probably just an angry raccoon. I should hike up there and help her get rid of it.”

I blinked at him a few times. “I have so many questions right now.”

His mouth curled in that slow, sexy grin that turned my insides to liquid. “Do you want to come out with me? It’s a bit of a hike, but nothing you can’t handle.”

“Yeah, that sounds great.”

Gibson suggested I put on long pants to keep my legs from getting scratched, so I changed into jeans. A bank of clouds had rolled in, dimming the sunshine, and there was a crispness to the air. Fall was descending on the West Virginia mountains.

With a very excited Cash on his leash, we struck out into the woods. Gibson had a backpack stuffed full,

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