From a High Tower - Mercedes Lackey Page 0,136

bread, of course, and we all eat bread three times a day or more, plus all the sweets. Your friends do like their pies. I have never seen pies vanish so fast.”

“Yes, but what does this other spell do?” Rosa said, a little impatiently.

“Keep them . . . well . . . tranquil. It’ll make them a bit slow, and it isn’t something I’d set under any circumstances but this, but better that the chores be done slowly, and that they maybe fall asleep over them, than that they panic.” Elfrida nodded as Rosa’s eyes widened. “They won’t notice anything that they aren’t expecting to see, either. I use it when I need to do something, and I don’t want those who I am keeping house for to get a notion I’m unnatural.”

“That must be very handy,” Rosa said, envy in her voice.

“It’s also dangerous. Other people outside the family will notice if the family is acting oddly, especially the man of the house, and next thing you know, people are looking for a witch in the kitchen,” Elfrida replied with a frown. “I wouldn’t use it now if I weren’t sure no one’s going to escape it. If you’re worried about the beasts taking fright, we can feed them a bit of bread once a day—”

“No, I can handle the beasts. They trust me,” Rosa said, and sighed. “All right. I expect that the Captain and the Indians are—”

“—are violatin’ your privacy an’ comin’ up. Kellermann’s with us,” called Captain Cody from below. “Iff’n yer afraid t’be seen—”

“Oh don’t be an idiot, get up here!” Rosa snapped, and soon enough, the sound of boots on the stairs heralded two of the three. Fox’s footsteps could scarcely be heard, of course, because he was wearing his usual soft moccasins. They were all in pants pulled hastily over their nightshirts, and wrapped in blankets, including Fox. It seemed that when it came to sleeping in Bavarian cold, he had decided to do as the white men did, and bundle into a warm, thick, red flannel nightshirt. They all pulled chairs up to the side of the bed and huddled in them.

Rosa and Giselle took it in turns to tell them what they knew, and Elfrida added how she intended to keep the rest of the company from taking fright. When they finished, Cody and Fox exchanged a look and a wry smile. “See, now, Fox, I tol’ ye the ladies woulda figgered out a short plan afore we got up here,” Cody said. “Here’s th’ thing, though. Fox an’ me, we’ve seen a good bit’a fightin, an’ we figger this storm ain’t but the beginnin’. It’s got a evil feel to’t. That kinda matches up with you tellin’ me there’s some Fire Magic mixed up with it, on’y turned t’cold. I ain’t never seen that, but I heerd ’bout it, from a feller in England what recognized me as a mage.” He shook his head. “That feller allowed as how he ain’t never heerd of a Cold Elemental critter that weren’t all bad, clear through. You go makin’ a deal with one’a them, an’ it freezes all the heart right outa ye.”

“That . . . doesn’t sound good,” ventured Giselle.

“Yep. An’ it gets worse. ’Cause I kin tell whoever’s out there, if he ain’t a Master, he’s damn close.” He picked at the edge of his blanket. “Still, Rosie, yer right. We cain’t go makin’ no plans without knowin’ who’s behind all this, how strong they are, an’ maybe, iff’n we’re lucky, what their plans are. An’ the good news is I bet they might go guardin’ ’gainst Fire, Air or Water scryin’, but they ain’t gonna ’gainst Earth.”

“The Earth doesn’t like them,” Rosa muttered, after a long moment; her face was screwed up in concentration. “There is someone in this group that the Earth is powerfully revolted by.”

“That there’ll work in our favor.” Cody leaned forward earnestly. “Rosie, I gotta say somethin’, cause this ain’t the first magical fight I been in. I know y’all reckon I’m a flibbertigibbet, an’ maybe sometimes I am, but look here, the strongest thing we got workin’ fer us right now is thet we trust each other. We gotta make sure whoever’s out there cain’t work on thet an’ break it. Savvy?”

Rosa nodded, slowly. “Absolutely. I think . . .” She looked around at all of them. “I think we need to make a blood binding among us. Kellermann too,” she added, and the Copyright 2016 - 2024