The High School Reunion From Hell - Saranna DeWylde Page 0,7

a slayer. I was surprised it was Cornflake, but I’d take it.

“So, you’re going to patrol with the neighborhood watch, right?” She picked at the corner of a pastry. “I mean, unless you’re going to the reunion?”

“I am not going to the reunion,” I said automatically. “I didn’t get an invite.”

Presley wrinkled her nose. “Well, of course you did. I’m on the planning committee. I know you got an invite.” A cruel smile twisted her mouth and she popped a microscopic bit of pastry into her mouth. “Should be interesting to see the old crew back together, don’t you think? I wonder if Brooke still has a thing for Marc?”

Years from now, talking about this moment, I’m sure I would swear to whatever powers that be that Lila Jean actually had steam shooting out of her ears. She gripped my kitchen island so hard her knuckles turned white and I heard the thump of her boot heel on the floor.

And Cornflake’s yelp because her foot happened to be between Lila Jean’s and the floor.

“Ouch!” She hopped on one foot, gripping her expensive heels. “What was that for?”

“You know what for,” Lila Jean growled.

Come on, you know I didn’t mean anything by it.” Presley sniffed and flipped her hand at me. “You don’t get to reverse Breakfast Club and then not tell us how it all played out.”

“You’re saying I’m Bender? What the hell?” I crossed my arms over my chest. At least Judd Nelson was hot. I could live with that.

“Uh, no. You’re the weird girl with her purse full of slayer gear who eats pixie stix sandwiches. You got to marry Black Emilio Estevez.”

Black Emilio Estevez? I wasn’t sure how Marc would feel about that comparison, given he was probably an entire foot taller than the actor. But the real offense would be that Emilio’scharacter was a wrestler, and Marc was all about football. It was some kind of rivalry I didn’t understand, but made his ears get really hot.

“Okay, listen. My body metabolizes sugar differently than other humans. I need that to keep up my super strength,” I defended.

“I’m not judging the pixie stix sandwich. I’m just saying.”

Lila Jean parked her hands on her hips. “So who are you in this scenario? Because you weren’t Prom Queen. That was Bitchy Brooke.”

“Touchy, touchy, LJ. No need to get your panties in a damp little wad.”

Lila Jean raised a perfectly groomed eyebrow. “LJ? I think the fuck not. Unless you want me to stomp on your other foot.”

Cornflake sniffed. “You’re as grumpy as Margie these days. You know, if you’d get yourself a man, you’d feel so much better.”

“When have men ever made anything better?” Lila Jean snorted so hard, she sounded like a pig.

The three of us shared a meaningful silence.

“Okay, fair enough. But orgasms, anyway,” Cornflake said.

“I don’t need a man for that. I have a credit card and the internet,” Lila Jean answered.

“You do you, punkin,” Cornflake replied with so much sugar, I’d have to start calling her Frosted Flake.

I eyed the French doors and Vlad sitting just beyond, waiting for the chance to hump. Was it time to unleash my undead hound?


“Can we get back to this murder?” Lila Jean asked. “I know that Meekers is full of shit, but there’s something about this that’s familiar.”

She was right. My exhausted brain knew there was something here I was missing—it had been years since I’d bounced back from an all-night body dump without so much as a wrinkle. Although, Meekers was also right. I was no longer bonded by the Council and anything I did on this, I’d be acting on my own.

Meaning, if I fucked up and destroyed a building like that time in Austin, I’d be on the hook for it. That never stopped me before, and I was so deep in debt now, that if I started digging with both hands, I wouldn’t be debt free until my fourth lifetime. So fuck it, why not?

I needed to know how much of a danger this guy was to my broken little family. The frosting on the cake was that I would have an excuse not to go to the reunion.

“I know what you’re thinking, Breakfast Club,” Presley said. “I still think you should go to the reunion.”

Damn it, how did she know?

“Why?” Lila Jean saved me the trouble of asking.

“First, because I went to a lot of trouble. I put a lot of thought into this reunion. It’s one of the big ones, after all. Copyright 2016 - 2024