The High School Reunion From Hell - Saranna DeWylde Page 0,4

recoiled back into his mouth like a yo-yo from Hell.

“You dumb dumb. What are you doing out here? ”

He whined and dipped his head, tail swinging an apologetic wag.

“Couldn’t wait, huh?” Of course he’d tracked me out here. He was worried because I’d been gone so long. If anyone ever managed to get the drop on me and take me hostage, they’d be sorrier than shit when this guy found me.

He growled menacingly at the shape in the wrapped plastic.

“We’re fine, Bud. It’s fine. He’s dead.”

Vlad looked from the plastic to me, then back down to the plastic. His mouth hung open and that big stringer of bright red, bloody drool dropped from his sloppy chops again.

God, but I loved him. “Come here.”

He padded over to me and shove his nose under my hand for a quick moment before lifting his leg on the corpse and marking his territory. He scratched at the ground under his feet, almost as if he were trying to cover the mess in dirt. Then he huffed through his flapping jowls.

“I get it. You don’t like him.” I scratched him behind his ears and kissed his velvety muzzle. “I’m not a fan, either.”

I was so lucky I had him. I wasn’t sure how I’d make it through this divorce without him.

His whole body went taut, and I went on high alert.

I held my breath and tuned in. I didn’t sense anything from the surrounding area, but Vlad grabbed my wrist in his mouth, careful not to pinch my skin, and tugged.

I tugged back. “Buddy, I need to do this.”

He growled.

Damn. He wasn’t letting go—that meant it had to be important. I trusted this drooling monster with my life. He’d saved me from a vampire master in Austin. So, instead of forcing the issue, I let him lead me deeper into the brush, away from the body.

Just as the body disappeared from view, Vlad shoved me to the ground and flopped his giant body on top of me.

A loud popping sound rent the air and the stench of sulfur burned my nostrils.

What the hell was that?

I tried to get up, but Vlad would not be moved. Flat on my back in the dirt, I shoved at his massive bulk with my elbow, and he grumbled. The sound reminded me of a mom telling her kid it wasn’t safe to cross the street and she was irritated she’d had to tell them again.

“Vlad.” I tried using my best boss voice. “Off.”

No luck.

He grumbled again and shifted, digging a haunch into my hip.

I grunted, but couldn’t shift him. The problem here was that, while I had super strength, so did he. He was unnaturally heavy—and me, being curvy, had my sweater hogs working against me. Stupid me, I hadn’t bothered to put on a bra when Marc called, and now, these two titties were not friends. They didn’t want to sit by each other. I had one trying to choke me from one side, one trying to choke me from the other, and this massive vampire pit bull lying across my stomach like a fallen sequoia.

“Vlad,” I managed again.

He cocked his square head to the side and sniffed at my face. Then, he swiped a giant, wet, goobery lick across the mouth.

“I love you, too.”

His ears perked and his head cocked to the other side.

Oh no.

“Slowl—urgh.” He launched himself from his perch and his supernaturally sharp claws dug into my guts as he took air.

With a groan, I checked to see if I was bleeding, but surprisingly, he hadn’t broken the skin. I didn’t have much time to worry about that, though. I had to figure out what had captured his attention and sent him into protect-mode. As soon as I managed to shove my tits down so I could breathe.

Jesus Christ, the indignity of getting taken out by your own chest hams.

I scrambled to my feet, and then I had to wait a second for my body to get with the program. Yay middle age? I immediately felt every injury I’d ever had and I looked up to the sky to check for storm clouds. It was that time of year when Kansas weather could turn on a dime.

Well, that was always. But spring and early summer were ‘nader weather. (The proper, Midwestern way to receive the wrath of God.)

No ‘nader sign at the moment, but the sudden pain in my joints told me a front was moving in. Confirming we were safe from the elements for Copyright 2016 - 2024