High-Priority Asset (Hard Core Justice #3) - Juno Rushdan Page 0,21

With those resources at his disposal and his past behavior, he may have already killed someone and made the entire crime scene disappear. We may never know.”

Dutch clenched his hand into a fist, thinking about how Ellis had shown up in the restaurant, intimidating and frightening Isabel to the point that she ran out. It made Dutch want to rip his head off.

“Isabel was never able to prove that he followed her or made the strange phone calls, but there was a witness who caught him accosting her. She was leaving the art gallery. Her car had been parked in a proprietor’s spot around back, when he came up behind her, put his arm around her throat and allegedly told her that they’d always be together. The owner of the bookstore two doors down happened to be leaving around the same time. He testified that Ellis was shoving his hand up her skirt and Isabel stated that he tried to get her inside the car.”

Dutch’s fist tightened, the joints popping, his fingers beginning to ache.

Why would Agent Rogers recommend a mugging scenario with Isabel after what she went through?

Even though it had worked, the tactic was despicable, especially considering Isabel’s history. Dutch hadn’t known her long, but he had an overwhelming urge to shield her from violence and pain.

“Ellis claimed it was a misunderstanding,” Allison said. “Isabel had called him earlier that day. She stated it was to demand that he stop sending her gifts, but he alleged she asked him to come to the gallery and that in the past Isabel liked him to be rough. Several police officers testified on Ellis’s behalf, making him look like citizen of the year. He had a good lawyer who characterized Isabel as a scorned woman with a grudge, trying to defame Ellis. The judge issued a harassment restraining order for one year, where Ellis has to remain fifty feet away from her.”

Dutch scowled, keeping a tight lid on the rage brewing inside him. “That’s it. Only fifty?” He ran both his hands over his head.

Blood pounded behind his ears in a thunderous rush as his brain turned over the information, round and round, thinking of all the places where that freak could legally show up and still harass Isabel as he’d done earlier.

“It sucks. I know.” Allison splayed her hands. “I’m sure the police testimonials were a factor, along with how careful Ellis had been. Thank heavens the bookstore owner came out when he did. I hate to think what could’ve happened to her if Ellis had gotten her into the car.”

Biohazard remediation was another way of saying crime-scene cleanup. That would explain why Ellis had a good relationship with the police.

Allison pulled out the cell phone buzzing in her pocket. “It’s my son—I’ve got to take it. My soon-to-be-former husband is already giving me enough hell over this short-term assignment. Like he doesn’t get to jet off for his job whenever he wants. Damn double standards.” She thumbed the accept button and strolled away. “Hey, munchkin.” Her tone turned warm and cheerful. “How was school?”

Agent Rogers had had a legitimate concern. It was going to take every shred of Dutch’s willpower to contain his protective impulses where Isabel was concerned. He wanted nothing more than to keep her safe from Ellis. Because he did care. Whether or not she was aware of her uncle’s status as leader of a powerful and brutal cartel had nothing to do with this. In fact, it made him believe that she was completely unaware. Anyone familiar with the cartel and their vicious reputation could’ve had Chad Ellis disappear with one phone call to her uncle.

Isabel was innocent and suffering and needed help.

Dutch enlarged the picture of Chad Ellis. He wore an expensive suit and tie, clean-cut, with a practiced smile and Hollywood looks, but there was something cold and vacant about his eyes.

“So that’s what a psychopath looks like,” he muttered to himself.

Guys like Ellis didn’t simply walk away on their own accord, or even when directed to by the law. Things would only build with him, getting worse until he struck out and physically hurt her. Did as much damage as possible.

Dutch had been right to push for the information. He had to know what Isabel was up against. The reason she’d been guarded, wary, fearful today.

Getting close to her without smothering Isabel in his red-hot need to protect her, to defend her against that violent creep wouldn’t be a problem. His mother

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