High Flyer - Michelle Diener Page 0,51

lit windows. Small lights lined a path from the middle building to the huts on the other side of the open space, with the ruins sitting dark and forbidding in between.

Someone laughed, a low chuckle that told Iver whoever it was was relaxed, and from how clear the sound was, they were sitting outside. Someone murmured in response, and the chuckle came again, along with the clink of a glass.

He eased around the side of the building closest to the low wall and saw what he hadn't noticed earlier that afternoon, that there were tables and chairs set outside the middle building.

The sky suddenly lit up, and the aurora blazed in an arc over the Spikes.

There were at least five people sitting outside, and Iver heard some gasp, others cheer.

Suddenly the lights cut out, and the only illumination was the aurora in the sky, washing the mountains in blues, greens and purples.

Then, as if in tune with what was happening below, it winked out as well, plunging the world into absolute darkness.

“It's not ten,” someone grumbled.

“No, but Baxter and I were trying to make those repairs with the parts Fraen brought in today, so we used up more power than usual.” The person who spoke had a similar depth and rumble to his voice as the guard at the gate.

Someone sighed. “Then I'm going to bed.”

Most of them broke up and went their separate ways, but Iver could hear two sets of footsteps coming toward the door of the building he was leaning against.

“Doing a last check for the night, Vras?” The man with the rumbling voice asked, something slightly mocking in his tone.

“Yes.” The answer was short and irritated. “You coming to check on her as well, Luki?”

“Might as well. She still asleep?”

Iver hadn't realized he'd straightened up and tensed, but when he looked down at his hands, he saw they were clenched.

“Last time I checked.”

“Could she be faking it?” Luki's voice was so similar to the guard at the gate that Iver guessed they were related.

“Maybe,” Vras sounded unworried. “But she's not faking her fever, so I doubt it.”

Luki didn't answer, and they disappeared into the building.

Iver waited, heart beating too loudly in his ears.

Luki came out first, and Iver noted his physical build was similar to the gate guard's as well.

Vras made his way out a few minutes later. “You waiting for me?” He sounded surprised.

“Just making sure you get out safe and sound. We don't know what she's capable of.” The tone was mocking again.

“Whatever, Luki.” Vras walked away.

“You locked her in?” Luki's voice was soft, but Iver heard it clearly enough.

“Bret told me to, didn't he?” Vras didn't even look back.

“I'll take the key. I'll need to check on her later tonight.”

Vras turned at that, the handlight he was using to light his way giving his face a ghoulish cast. His lips were formed in a thin line. “I also have to check on her later. I need the key.”

“Come ask me for it, then.”

“No. You ask me.” Vras turned again and Iver caught the bob of his handlight as he walked at a fast clip toward the huts, not quite running away, but close.

Luki stood staring after him, shoulders hunched a little. Iver heard him swear softly, and then he stalked toward the building on the far end of the row.

He disappeared into the darkness, and Iver waited until he heard a door open and then close in the distance before trying the door they'd just come out of.

Whatever fight they'd had over the key to the room Hana was in, they hadn't locked the front entrance.


This whole operation was sloppy.

He stepped into the building, closing the door silently behind him. The room he stepped into felt big and empty. Iver switched on the handlight he'd had in his pack, pointing it at the ground and shielding it with his hand to lessen the glow.

He was in what looked like a medbay reception area, but there were desks with papers on them and he wondered why it looked strange until he realized there were no comm units anywhere.

They didn't work here, obviously.

To his left was a long conference table, and he guessed this was most likely the administration building as well as the medbay.

He moved to the far end of the room and found himself in a narrow passageway. There were three doors, the one directly opposite him looked like a private office, a bathroom to the right, and the door to the left

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