High Flyer - Michelle Diener Page 0,47

what she considered normal before the crash in the Spikes two years ago . . . No. She couldn't have been this weak.

This had to be the cumulative effect of the damage to her foot, the pain, and the lack of sleep and food, the multiple hits from the SAL tranquilizers. And that cursed thump, thump, thump from some machine outside.

The conversation swirled around her, and she was peripherally aware she'd zoned out.

She should be grateful, she supposed.

She'd wanted to come to the Spikes, find out more about what had happened to her, and while this current situation wasn't what she'd had in mind, the loss of her upgrade told her more than anything else could how far she'd drifted from what she'd been before.

Living a new life since her accident had given her exactly what she'd feared it had. A completely skewed view of what was normal.

No wonder Linnel had sensed something was off.

“What's going on in that head?”

Bret stepped closer to her bed and she snapped back to the present.

“Who are you?” His eyes were cold.

Her injured foot was stretched out in front of her and she was leaning back against some pillows. Her heart beat faster at her vulnerability.

She stared up at him. Said nothing.

“She's in pain. She fainted in the lander.” The driver was looking at Bret, looking like he regretted his decision to bring her here.

“What was it that did this?” Vras bent over her foot. “Looks like something bit her.”

“It was some kind of metal trap.” The driver shook his head. “They're living like animals out there.”

“The smugglers did this?” Vras had already given her an injection to stave off infection and he began bandaging her up.

“They're a problem,” Bret conceded. “Where are they camped?”

He seemed to be asking her.

She shrugged.

“She's not with them. She probably got in the lander in Touka City.” The driver made an impatient chop with his hand. “Why, I don't know. But the smugglers didn't know her, that I can promise.”

“Can you?” Bret turned to look at him.

“Yes.” He was unequivocal. “You didn't see how they ran her down. How they dealt with her when they found her. One of them is totally off the rails. Tillis. I couldn't get away from him fast enough. He was talking about killing her, and I believed him. The others tried to cover for him, make it sound like Tillis was joking when they saw my reaction, but he wasn't.”

“And the one who robbed us?” Bret leaned back a little, arms crossed over his chest.

“I didn't interact with him at all. He was part of the team that ran her down, then he supposedly ran off after her friend, but he must have seen the opportunity to steal some supplies, so he doubled back. I never even spoke to him.”

“You did, though?” Bret turned to her.

Hana nodded. “Briefly.”


She wondered why he thought she would be helpful, but Vras had done a good job on her foot, so she decided she owed them something. “He's feral. The woman who chased after me with him, Brynja, she's wary of him. Doesn't trust him.”

“Brynja?” Bret went still. “I know that name.”

“They said they were in the rebel corps. Some of them are still wearing parts of the uniform.” The driver, Fraen, narrowed his eyes. “They're not trustworthy.”

Bret gave a bark of laughter. “I know that.” It took a while for his chuckles to die away. “What I don't know is where you fit in.” His gaze was back on Hana's face, hard and mean.

“Boss, we got those parts we wanted.” A man stepped into the room, one of the two who'd carried her here when she'd arrived.

“Good.” Bret turned to the driver. “You did good, Fraen. I assume Banyon isn't happy with you?”

“He just about burst a blood vessel. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't come out here, scream at you, too.”

“Huh.” Bret tapped a finger to his lips. “He screamed at you? In public?”

Fraen tilted his head. “In an alley. We were the only ones there. But out in the open, yes.”


Fraen nodded. “That's the only reason he reined it in in the end. We could hear people coming.”

“He's getting more and more excited. I suppose having the head-of-planet dead is causing him some grief.”

“Especially as they didn't kill Sugotti as planned. He survived the first attack. They eventually caught up with him and his pilot. Had them locked down in Touka.” Fraen spoke matter-of-factly, and Hana wondered how he could talk like

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