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in our ranks, but it looks like she did the right thing going to work for you.” Yarne nodded at her and Hana saluted him in response. “I have to admit, I'm as astonished as Professor Vande that you were able to fly that runner. I've seen the control panel, and it doesn't make sense to me.”

“When you have to do something, you usually find a way to do it.” Hana lifted her hands, and the general gave a grunt of acknowledgment as he waved them away.

As they stepped outside and walked across to the small runner they were using until Iver replaced the Sig, she decided to try her new-found skill again.

I want a week alone somewhere. Just you and me.

He didn't turn to look at her, but his hand came out and took hers.

You've got a deal, lover.

She slid her arm around his waist and tilted her head up. “Should we be worried?” She didn't need to say what about.

He shook his head. “I wouldn't change a thing.”

She felt her upgrade agree, strongly, as he bent and kissed the top of her head. “Neither would I.” She turned, putting her other arm around him and lifting up on her toes to kiss his mouth. “Neither would I.”

Also by Michelle Diener

Science Fiction Novels

Sky Raiders series:

Intended (Short Story Prequel)

Sky Raiders

Calling the Change

Shadow Warrior

Class 5 series:

Dark Horse

Dark Deeds

Dark Minds

Dark Matters

Verdant String series:

Interference & Insurgency Box Set




High Flyer

Historical Fiction Novels

Susanna Horenbout and John Parker series:

In a Treacherous Court

Keeper of the King’s Secrets

In Defense of the Queen

Regency London series:

The Emperor’s Conspiracy

Banquet of Lies

A Dangerous Madness

Other historical novels:

Daughter of the Sky

Fantasy Novels by Michelle Diener

Mistress of the Wind

The Dark Forest series:

The Golden Apple

The Silver Pear

Short Paranormal Fiction

Breaking Out: Part I (Short story)

Breaking Out: Part II (Novella)

To receive notification when Michelle Diener’s next book is released, you can sign up to her new release notification list.

Excerpt: Sky Raiders

Book One in the Sky Raiders Series

Chapter 1

He'd asked her to wait for him, and then he'd disappeared for two years.

As he reached the top of the pass and started down the steep path to the valley below, Garek wondered just how angry Taya would be.

That she would be angry enough to have taken someone else sat like week-old loaf in his stomach, heavy and sickening.

He'd had no choice, had come as soon as he could . . . he tried to shake off the chill that touched him, despite the bright day. He'd take her anger, her fury--he'd take it all if it meant he didn't find her with someone else.

He forced himself to pay attention as the path became steeper still, and frowned at how badly maintained the way had become, as if no one had repaired the damage a winter in the mountains could do to a narrow track. The spring thaw had come and gone, replaced by a golden summer, and the snow had retreated to the tops of the mountains.

Kas should have done something about the erosion by now, even though this path was a shortcut few besides the villagers knew of, cutting across the Crag and shaving hours off the journey through the foothills.

The familiar landscape tugged at something inside him. He hadn't thought himself sentimental, and though he'd missed Taya with an ache that hurt worse than a knife to flesh, he hadn't thought the sight of the rolling hills and high peaks would affect him. The crowds and enclosing stone walls of Garamundo had been something to bear stoically, but he was surprised how easy it was to breathe here, and it wasn't just because the air was sweet with the scent of summer grass.

When he'd left two years ago, the only thing he'd regretted was leaving Taya behind him, and he'd come back only to fetch her.

Fetch her and run, as fast as possible.

As far away from West Lathor as they could get.

The shadow cast by Garamundo had a long reach, certainly long enough to reach out and try to grab him again if he stayed here, and he'd sworn when they'd finally released him that he would never go back.

He wouldn't give them a chance to conscript him again.

He was halfway down the mountain when he noticed there were no leviks on the slopes.

He stopped a moment, shading his eyes against the bright midday light of the Star to search for any sign of their golden, curly coats.

He could find none.

A breeze rose up, swirling about him, and he was struck by the silence.

His hearing was exceptional, and

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