The Hidden Beach - Karen Swan Page 0,72

a lot more to deal with than just learning to get strong again, I can tell you that.’

‘Like what else?’ she prodded, and then, seeing his expression, added, ‘This isn’t nosiness. I’m Linus’s chaperone. I need to know what to expect so I can prepare Linus for it. The hospital visit immediately after Emil woke up went really badly. It did a lot of damage.’

‘Oh yeah, I heard about that incident from the nursing team.’

‘It was awful. He was shouting obscenities and thrashing and screaming.’

Christer watched her, hearing the judgement in her voice. ‘You know that’s an actual condition, right? Like, a medical thing, for people recovering from traumatic brain injuries?’

‘. . . No.’

‘Sure. Post-traumatic amnesia, it’s called. It’s common in post-coma patients waking up. They get very agitated, violent even, although they’re mainly a danger to themselves, of course. They don’t remember anything about it.’


‘Usually the last couple of weeks before the injury, and the first few days of coming to, are completely wiped. Gone. No memory.’

‘And is that the case for Emil? He doesn’t remember any of it?’

‘’Fraid so. It’s a protective thing, I think. The brain protecting the body from the horror of those moments.’

She didn’t know what to say.

‘So what else can I tell you?’ he asked himself rhetorically. ‘Well, the headaches are pretty consistent, so that can make him grouchy. Bright light can be a problem sometimes, although hopefully that’ll improve.’

She nodded, remembering his cap, the sunglasses . . .

‘He’s pretty strong on balance now; we’ve been working on that a lot. Oh, but forgetfulness – remembering dates and things, but also struggling to find the right words sometimes, particularly if he’s stressed. On the other hand, he can also have no filter and be very direct. He’ll say things he probably shouldn’t, so warn his boy not to take offence.’

She nodded. Opportunity? Lust? Relief? . . . Both lonely and drunk on Midsommar’s night . . . That was it. Did they count?

‘I know he’s pretty normal to look at, and that’s what confuses people. They think because he’s walking and talking, it’s all done, that’s he’s better. But it’s a long road ahead for him still. He’s had to fight so hard just to get here.’ He threw a smile her way. ‘Which is why it’s so great his boy’s come to stay. He was motivated before, but I reckon he’ll be bionic now, if tonight was anything to go by.’

‘Great,’ she said, chewing on her cheek, realizing now why it had taken Hanna so long to work up the courage to tell him about Max, taking his dream – and motivation – away. How hard it must have been for him to hear it. ‘Well, thanks. I’ll . . . bear all of that in mind.’

‘No problem,’ he shrugged. ‘And good luck with your side of things. I hope the next few days go well. This place needs some life to it. A kid running about is exactly what’s been missing from here.’

Grand Hotel, Stockholm, May 2010

‘You’re hiding from me.’

He looked back from his position on the balcony, hands clasped as he stared out over the city. Her hair was swept up, pearls at her throat. ‘Well, I’m afraid you’re far too beautiful to look at today. It’s like staring at the sun.’

She laughed, swishing her dress, oblivious to the cool night air. ‘So you really like it? You’re not just saying that?’

‘You look sensational.’

She stared at him and he felt his heart click into the gallop that came with meeting those eyes – but a shadow flashed behind them, almost immediately. ‘What is it?’ he asked.

‘You do think we’ve done the right thing, don’t you?’

He swallowed. ‘. . . Of course. There’s not a doubt in my mind. Why would you even ask it?’

She stared at him, swollen silences pushing her words apart. ‘You . . . you don’t think we’ve rushed into it? I mean, people don’t have to marry now, just because they’re having a baby. It’s not the Dark Ages.’

He smiled, sliding his hands into his pockets so that she couldn’t see them tremble. ‘This is only the beginning, Hanna. Just you wait and see.’

She smiled, her body relaxing at his words. Soothed. Comforted. Reassured.

Behind them, the band struck up the first notes of ‘You’re Beautiful’, prompting cheers from the dance floor.

‘Dance with me,’ she said, stepping forward, her hands reaching out. He straightened and put his hands on her waist, feeling her still-slender narrowness. She laced her Copyright 2016 - 2024