A Hero for Lady Abigail (A Wallflower's Wish #5) - Maggie Dallen Page 0,44

about herself.

It wasn’t her senses she’d lost, she realized.

It was her heart.


Seven months later…

Abigail looked at her husband as their carriage bumped down the rutted road. A drizzling rain fell outside punctuated by a fat snowflake here and there.

It was nearly Christmastide and they were on their way to Lord and Lady Arundel’s home.

And while it wasn’t the place where they first met, somehow, it was the place where Abigail attributed the blooming of their romance and the changing of her life.

“Are you sad to not spend the holiday with your family?” Alex asked, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

She reached for his hand. While she greatly appreciated her husband’s concern, he needn't have it today. They’d left her parents’ home to come here. The three-day stay with the Duke and Duchess of Gorem had been more than enough. “I think our visit with my family was very fruitful and I am happy to be spending the holiday in calmer waters.”

He quirked a brow. “Mrs. Mayfield, you are becoming quite diplomatic.”

Abigail smiled. She was learning the fine art of not saying certain truths. For example, her family was beyond dismayed that she’d chosen the address of Mrs. rather than Lady. She’d managed to restrain herself from informing them that their legacy was not one she wished to participate in. “Thank you, darling. I find I quite enjoy leaving people to wonder what I might be thinking.”

He chuckled then. “There’s my Abigail.”

She let go of his hand, but her smile grew wider. “Not to worry. I’ll be more than kind to your friends. I truly appreciate how welcoming they’ve been.”

“Did you hear? You’re not the only newcomer to the party. Daisy’s cousin, who’s been traveling on the continent, has recently returned to England and she’ll be joining us.”

Abigail raised her brows. Alex was being too kind, attempting to comfort her. “Virginia is her name. And she’s hardly a newcomer to the group. Lily’s letters are filled with Virginia’s antics.”

Alex winced, hardly noticeable except to his wife. “Still. It won’t just be Daisy, Lily, and Marigold. I’m sure you’ll feel welcome.”

She shook her head. “You needn’t worry. I’ll be fine.” Her eyes twinkled. “And I am excited to meet Virginia. If Lily’s story are any indication, she is a girl after my own heart.”

Alex gave her an assessing glance as the carriage pulled up the drive to the Arundel’s home. “You and Lily have been conversing a great deal.”

“We have.” While she still wasn’t certain she deserved Lily’s forgiveness, she was glad to have her old friend back in her life. She looked out the window at the manor that rose before them. “Is there anyone else in attendance?”

“Marigold’s sister-in-law, Sarah, and her new husband.”

“Wonderful,” she said with a smile. She’d always like Sarah. She drew in a deep breath and then exhaled with a sigh.

The front door opened and several guests rushed out of the house, umbrellas in hand. Despite the rain, they’d all come out to greet her and Alex.

She pressed her lips together, holding back emotion she didn’t know she’d feel. But she’d found a real family with Alex’s friends and she was beyond thankful.

“Before we arrive,” Alex pushed forward in his seat, reaching for both her hands. “I just want to tell you how thrilled I am to be spending our first Christmastide together. You, my love, have filled my life in so many wonderful ways.”

She squeezed his hands. “Alex. You don’t have to say it. I already know.” Then she leaned forward, placing a soft kiss on his lips. “And besides, whatever I give to you, you give back in spades. I might be the luckiest woman in all of England.”

He grinned. “I love you, Abigail.”

“And I you,” she said as the carriage rolled to a stop. “We’ve so much to celebrate. Let’s begin, shall we?”

He gave her hands one more squeeze. “We shall. Merry Christmastide.”

“Merry Christmastide, my love.”

Get ready to read more about the Earl of Darling’s sisters as they make their way in society, starting with The Duke’s Darling Debutante. But first…

A new series is coming in May!

A Maypole in Mayfair: Meet the four wallflowers currently attending Madame Bellafonte’s school for unfortunate debutantes. When a maypole is erected in the park located in front of their Mayfair home, they can’t resist making a May Day wish…

A Wish Upon a Duke

A Wish Upon a Marquess

A Wish Upon an Earl

A Wish Upon a Viscount

Want a sneak peek of the first book, A Wish Upon a Duke? Turn

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