The Hero and the Hidden Royal - Renae Kaye Page 0,55

all laughed and Sylvie excused herself, saying she had to greet some people lest she offended them. Peggy wound her arm through Sam’s. “You’re still coming over for dinner tonight, aren’t you?”

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Sam assured her. Derek nodded in agreement, but his attention was taken up by a tall, thin woman standing on the edge of the crowd staring at him. She motioned with her hand, and Derek turned to Sam.

“I need to talk to someone.” He didn’t know why, but it seemed imperative that he did. The woman glanced about her, and made for a discreet door. Derek followed her without thought.

Inside the door she halted and waited for him. “Sir Derek,” she said with a respectful nod. “Congratulations on your honors.”

“Thank you,” he replied automatically. “Have we met before?”

She held out her hand. “I’m Marguerite Townsend from Castle de Fleur.” Derek gasped and clutched her hand in excitement.

“Nice to finally meet you, Marguerite. I would like to thank you for all your hard work. I understand that the Earl was reluctant to investigate my vague directions, but you persuaded him to.”

A blush stole across her cheeks. “Persuading people is my little trick. It’s how I got you to come over here.”

Derek laughed. “Is that why I suddenly needed to follow you? That’s a handy trick. My trick is turning invisible.”

A look of chagrin entered her expression. “It’s a mild power and doesn’t always last. But the Earl wanted me to track you down and thank you for your research. Although the safe contained only papers and a small amount of old currency, the addition of that history to the Earl’s family has been welcomed.”

“Papers?” Derek asked in excitement.

“Yes. Mostly boring stuff such as land titles and deeds, war bonds, family correspondence, and financial ledgers. It appears that the last time the safe was used was during the middle of World War Two. Probably the Ninth Earl of Bourgmont. There was one notable exception. The records are still being traced, but the current Earl wanted to share it with you, knowing that in your position at the Municipal, you hold many secrets. The Earl has the original in his safekeeping, but he has included a photocopy here for your records.”

Marguerite held out a brown document folder. Derek accepted it eagerly.

“As a token of thanks, the Earl has given several letters of correspondence that relate to the photocopied document. The contents have been recorded by the earl’s staff, but the originals have been gifted to the Municipal for their protection. The Earl is looking forward to any further information you can shed on the matter.”

It didn’t make sense to Derek, so he fumbled with the document folder and began undoing the fastenings.

“I must go now. I’m sure I will talk to you soon,” Marguerite was saying. But somehow stopping her was no longer important to him. She slipped away down the corridor.

Derek barely glanced at her, eager to find the document she was talking about. Inside the folder was a laminated color photocopy of a marriage certificate and a bundle of letters tied with a red ribbon. Derek turned the certificate around until it was the correct way up and read the information on it. It was in Portuguese. He glanced at the date—thirteenth of November, 1938. Then he read the names. Lord Alphonse Carlos Albert, Viscount of Arroman, had officially married Mary Brown, in a church in the township of Montemor-o-Novo in Portugal.

He frowned. What was an Abarran viscount doing getting married in Portugal? And if his memory served him right, Alphonse was the Tenth Duke of Bourgmont for only three weeks before he died. He hadn’t been married.

Or had he?

Derek turned his attention to the letters and noticed they were all addressed to a Mister Alphonse Bowman at Rosewood Chalet, near where Sam and Derek had had their romantic weekend.

Mister Alphonse Bowman? he wondered. Was Mister Alphonse Bowman the same person as Alphonse, Viscount of Arroman? And who was Mary Brown? Did Rosewood Chalet still exist? Could he work out where it had been? Perhaps it was the residence of the viscount while his father was still the earl?

The letter was old, the paper brittle. He unfolded it and immediately looked to the bottom. It had been signed, “Forever, your loving wife, Mary.” The writing was definitely feminine. It was elegant and neatly written in black ink. A love note to the viscount from a wife nobody knew about.

4th June, 1940

Casa Vista Agua

Setubal, Portugal

My dearest Alphonse,

Our darling daughter, Rosie, has begun to walk. I do wish you could tell your father about us, but I will wait until you tell me it is the right moment….


If you liked this book,

make sure you check out the other

stories in the Royal Powers series

Duking It Out

by EJ Russell

(released July 2020)

Marquis of Secret Doors

by Lynn Lorentz

(coming August 2020)

The Lost Prince

by Sara York

(coming August 2020)

Pauper Prince Saves the Posh Pullet

by Chris Cox

(coming August 2020)

The Duke of Hand to Heart

by Jackie North

(coming September 2020)

The Prince and the Pencil Pusher

by Kenzie Blades

(coming September 2020)



The Blinding Light

You Are the Reason


Loving Jay

Don't Twunk With My Heart

The Straight Boyfriend

Knowing Me, Knowing You


Safe in His Arms

Safe in His Heart


Confide in Me

In Your Eyes

Wouldn't Change a Thing

The Other Boys (with Sean Kennedy)


The Hero and the Hidden Royal


Bear Chasing

Hard Feelings

Out of the Rain

Shawn’s Law

The Shearing Gun

Slow Summer Heat

Yes, Professor

RENAE KAYE is a lover and hoarder of books who thinks libraries are devilish places because they make you give the books back. She consumed her first adult romance book at the tender age of thirteen and hasn’t stopped since. After years—and thousands of stories!—of not having book characters do what she wants, she decided she would write her own novel and found the characters still didn’t do what she wanted. It hasn’t stopped her, though. She believes that maybe one day the world will create a perfect couple—and it will be the most boring story ever. So until then, she is stuck with quirky, snarky, and imperfect characters who just want their story told.

Renae lives in Perth, Western Australia, and writes in five-minute snatches between the demands of two kids, a forbearing husband, too many pets, too much housework, and her beloved veggie garden. She is a survivor of being the youngest in a large family and believes that laughter (and a good book) can cure anything.

Her first novel, Loving Jay, was voted the Best Book Debut 2014 by the member’s choice awards in the Goodreads M/M Romance Group.

E-mail: [email protected]



Twitter: @renaekkaye

Table of Contents


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Series Information

Also By Renae

Bio and Links

Chapter Two Copyright 2016 - 2024