The Hero and the Hidden Royal - Renae Kaye Page 0,25

visible, so that wasn’t the problem. “What did I do wrong?”

“Nothing,” Sam reassured him and reached out to caress Derek’s cheek. “Nothing. You did nothing wrong. It was me. I’m just having trouble not rushing you. I didn’t mean to say that out loud. I’m happy to go at your speed. Keep going.”

“Keep going?” Derek queried. “Keep going, but a little faster?”

Sam heaved a sigh that was heartfelt. “Faster would be appreciated.”

Smiling, Derek nodded. “I think I can do faster.” Then he looked back down at the cock he held in his hand. “Yeah. Faster can be done.”

And he tried.

It was stranger than he thought it would be, and he had to pull off to puff and get his breath back, but Sam was full of praise and encouragement. Occasionally he’d say, “Oh, God. Yes. That. Just a bit— Oh, God.” And so Derek knew he was doing something right. It was also damn erotic. His own arousal was pushed to the limits, enjoying himself and knowing he was pleasing Sam.

He couldn’t do it like they did in the porn movies, because he ended up choking, and Sam rushed to assure him he didn’t need to do that, but he was pretty damn satisfied with his first effort.

Finally Sam stopped him with a gentle touch to his shoulder. Derek sat back on his haunches and looked up in enquiry. Sam smiled. “I was wondering if you’d like to come and sit here now?”

Derek was getting addicted to how Sam patted his lap. Yes, yes, yes. He wanted that lap. Always. That lap was safe and comfortable… and arousing. He nodded and stood, wincing a little at the strain on his muscles from the unusual position. He hoped that the more he practiced that position, the better it would be.

Sam’s gaze ran up and down his body. “Would you mind?” he asked with a wave of his hand.

“Mind what?”

“It works better if we’re both naked,” Sam chuckled. “There’s also less laundry.”

Of course. Derek felt the blush rise in his cheeks and hurried to take his unbuttoned shirt off. His trousers were still undone, and it was with only a little bit of shyness he pushed them off.

“You’re gorgeous,” Sam said as if he knew what Derek was thinking.

Once naked, Derek went to sit on Sam’s lap again, angling his body to the side. But Sam stopped him. “If you don’t mind, this way is better.”

Sam’s large hands went to Derek’s thighs, spreading them and pulling Derek onto his lap so they were facing each other, Derek straddling Sam’s large body. Derek gasped at the sensation of skin to skin, their thighs touching, their chests touching, and finally, as he settled his weight down on the couch, their cocks lining up side by side. Oh, yes. Being in Sam’s lap was just the best.

“See,” Sam said, a pleased note in his voice. He tilted Derek’s chin up, and they kissed hotly, pushing their bodies together. Derek wriggled, enjoying the friction that the bodily contact gave him. Then Sam pushed him to the side slightly, his right hand coming between them and touching their cocks. He tugged at Derek’s cock a few times first, then his own, before he encircled them both and began jerking them off in earnest.

“Sam!” Derek cried and pressed his forehead into Sam’s thick neck.

“That’s it, baby,” Sam whispered softly. “It’s my turn now.” Sam’s left hand rubbed Derek’s back in large sweeping motions, from the base of his neck down to his buttocks. Derek couldn’t help but twitch and thrust into Sam’s hand, pistoning his hips to find some sort of relief. “Don’t be afraid. I have you.”

If Derek had had the brain power, he would’ve told Sam that for once in his life he wasn’t afraid. There was nothing in his thoughts apart from Sam and this overwhelming feeling of yearning. Desire. Passion. Horniness. Sam’s embrace was keeping him safe and he was completely visible and completely focused on the two of them.

“That’s it,” Sam urged as Derek cried out.

And suddenly in a rush, Derek came. It was fire and relief all in one. Fury and release. Pleasure and pain. He jerked to stillness, frozen as he came all over Sam’s hand, Sam’s chest, his own stomach.

With huge gulps of air, Derek looked down between them, watching as Sam’s hand became a blur, still furiously working his own cock. And then Sam was at the peak as well. Derek felt it through his body first, the way Copyright 2016 - 2024