Here Be Monsters - By M T Murphy Page 0,30

me and walked away as I looked down at the coin still in my hand.

* * * * *

For the next few days, I did as Tyler had asked and stayed away from Jamie. The sound of the dogs got closer and I was terrified. The fear was gut-wrenching. I could hear them and if I let my eyes lose focus I could see them in crystal-clear perfection. They were big and black, the size of pickup trucks with shark-like teeth and red eyes. Their breath was hot against my skin. The heat left my face permanently flushed and my hair damp always, and the smell of rotted flesh was enough to make my stomach turn.

The days I spent waiting for Tyler to return and avoiding Jamie. Nights were spent with nightmares, screaming to drown out the sounds from the dogs and pondering if I was slowly losing my mind there.

Had I been completely insane to make this deal and believe all of this? Hadn’t Tyler at least proven that he was connected to the angels that were coming to save me? The longer that Tyler stayed away, the more I felt my faith diminishing, and fear was beginning to take its place.

The night before my contract was set to expire was the worst of it. I kept waking up screaming. Tyler still hadn’t shown up and I could hear the scratching of claws inside the room. The dogs were pacing and snorting, snarling and huffing. They were growing impatient.

I sat up and listened to the wind and the rain. The hurricane wouldn’t make it here fully until the next day, but the outer bands of the storm were already here. The staff would start boarding up all the windows at dawn I was sure. I went to the window and stared out. Lightning flashed, illuminating the gardens. There was Jamie, huddled down in the middle. I knew Tyler had told me to stay away from him, but I couldn’t just leave him out there. I grabbed a robe and snuck out of my room.

The gardens were secure within the hospital grounds, so I wasn’t worried about setting off any of the alarms. I was, however, worried about Tyler finding out, so I couldn’t let the staff know. I made my way out through one of the side doors and down through one of the maintenance walkways to the west end of the garden. The temperature was colder because of the rain, and I was soaked the minute I stepped outside. I ran to where Jamie sat on his knees rocking back and forth, mumbling something in the wind and the rain.

“Jamie, come inside,” I said, putting my arms around him. An icy chill ran through me at how hot his skin felt. It was like the fires of hell were alive in him. I heard the snarls as I froze in place, listening to his words.

"Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour.”

I looked up and saw them: twenty pairs of red eyes watching us. The rain and wind still spread chaos, but over it all I could hear the snarling. In that moment I realized Tyler had been right. I let go of Jamie and turned to run, but he grabbed my ankle.

“Two of four, three of three, five of one!” Jamie yelled trying to pull me back to him.

“No! Jamie let go of me.” I kicked, my foot landing in his stomach, sending him sprawling. I scrambled inside through the door I’d come out of. My heart was hammering in my chest as I ran through the halls trying to get back to my room. I could hear Jamie and I could hear the hounds, all trying to get to me.

Rounding a corner, I crashed into someone who grabbed me and I screamed.

“Rajani it’s okay, it’s okay,” Tyler’s voice said soothingly, his arms holding me. Everything but the storm outside fell silent around us. No more hounds, no more Jamie. I held on to Tyler tighter, ignoring that strange burning in my stomach I got every time I touched him.

“Let her go in the name of the Father,” Jamie said, speaking perfectly clearly. I jumped at the intrusion.

“Your instructions don’t work here, my brother,” Tyler smirked and I tried to pull away but he held me tightly to him. “You should at least know that.”

“I figured I would give you the option,” Jamie said, his Copyright 2016 - 2024